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I have read so many different points of view on this subject, that I am just going to leave the faith in the hands of my Rollitup comrades........

Here's my question to be solved : Which do you think would be less stressful - FIMMING (or) Pinching tops off ?

I (accidentally) got one last seed of my most favorite shit and will hopefully clone to make more seeds, but am afraid that I may stress her into becoming a transvestite.
I top all of my plants. Sometime 2,3 or even 4 times! I have only had a coiple of hermies, 1 was genetics, the other was my fault as my temps got way to cold.
^^^ This, and I wish more people realized it.

Just know that you can't get something for nothing; everything's a trade off. A successful FIM will result in more tops than a simple topping; the trade off is that the tops will either develop slightly smaller or slightly slower. The difference in yeild at the end of the grow is strain dependent.
Still, cutting off the tops with scissors, fingers, chainsaw, lawn mower, etc.. is still removing the tops. same thing, different tools or methods.

Of course, if you got nasty fungus filled nails, it may be different :D

*not being a dick and saying you do, just saying all sanitation being the same, they are the same
Well, that's why I am here asking because I have been reading in a number of places on the web including Roolitup, people are saying that you usually will only get two new branches with TOPPING while you will get three or more when you FIM. So it seems to be a difference according to a lot of people growing..... And totally understand your option, no heat here Man... just trying to learn.
FIM is about the placement of the cut. It does some damage to the youngest brranches on the stem. Since they are damaged, the next lower pair of branches have the chance to develop and catch up to the top ones.
^^^ This, and I wish more people realized it.

Just know that you can't get something for nothing; everything's a trade off. A successful FIM will result in more tops than a simple topping; the trade off is that the tops will either develop slightly smaller or slightly slower. The difference in yeild at the end of the grow is strain dependent.

I don't know all about that ....I wouldn't call these tops undernourished.....:mrgreen: 1.jpg2.jpg
Q: Which do you think would be less stressful - FIMMING (or) Pinching tops off ? A: There's a difference..???
All right Folks....Peace everyone.... SIMPLE QUESTION .... I only want to know (Please, from people that have used these methods) Between FIMMING and TOPPING/Pinching top completely off, which would you think would be less stress on the plant????? I don't care about size, temp, how much I ate today, what size shoe you wear, or cut with a toe nail clipper, just simply which do you think would be less stress on the freaking plant........**ALERT**ALERT**Calling Earth to smart Cannabis growers**ALERT**ALERT**
Q: Which do you think would be less stressful - FIMMING (or) Pinching tops off ? A: There's a difference..???

Ah Shit, I was worried you might show of the big dogs..... All right Mr.vostok God of cannabis, Sir, Is this true that there is no difference ????? :mrgreen:
I think you might be talking about topping vs super cropping? Super cropping being where you bend the ops over to nearly the point of breaking them.
Growing 2 strawberry coughs fem. 2 months old and in flowering. Topped 1, and FIMd the other at about the same time (1 month maybe). The one i topped now has 2 main colas. Very thick, very strong, very good looking and growing very tall (colas are as thick as original stem). The other one that i used the FIM technique now has 4 main colas. Not as thick and strong as the other plant with 2, but theres double the amount of bud sites on the plant that got FIMd. The bud sites are ridiculous on the plant with the 4 main colas, all over them literally. The plant that got topped doesn't nearly have as many bud sites, but its bigger overall height wise. The plant that got FIMd is now turning into more of a bush, with multiple branches all over growing multiple bud sites. The plant that got topped is growing like a siamese twin christmas tree (just imagine how a plant would normally grow if you let it do its thing, but with two main heads). The two main heads are very tall and have bud sites all over them, but not many on any other part of the plant, unlike the plant that got FIMd, that has bud sites all over entire plant.

Overall my opinion would be, If your looking for yield I would FIM your plant as many times as possible without hurting it. Because more nodes will always pop us, usually double the number of nodes on the part of the plant you FIMd. If your looking to just grow a very strong product, and you don't care about yield and you just want potency, then i would TOP your plant once, twice max. Because the plant won't have to divert energy all over it to support numerous bud sites, it will only have to send all the energy up to the two main heads, which will overall make those bud sites a lot more powerful.

Early in this thread someone said its all about strain and circumstances. I totally agree with this because every strain needs different things. You could top two different strains, in the same place, at the same time in their life, and you could get completely different outcomes (more nodes growing in the topped area on one plant than the other). Its all about the technique you use as a grower, your grow room, your stains. Everything is a factor when growing. Find specifically what suits you and your plants needs. (If you don't have a lot of grow room height wise, I would FIM numerous times to turn the plant into more of a bush that will stay small, than growing tall like a christmas tree) Or another example would be, (If your plant doesn't respond well to the first TOP or FIM, by growing slowly or the new nodes growing out being stunted, then I wouldn't try and TOP or FIM it again, as the plant probably didn't like it or was affected in a negative way by it)

Hope this helps, happy growing!
Where you TOP or FIM also plays a pretty big role in determining how many main colas you will get!

Interesting...... and many many thanks .....:mrgreen: I agree "where you do your thing, plays a big roll" But I didn't know that the more bud sights I have, lessens the potency.

Stupid question here if I may.... You have a stem coming up from a plant at the very top. At the very top, you have a new main shoot of new growth coming out all ready with two new shoots growing on both sides of the main people remove this middle main shoot by whatever chosen method to allow the two little new ones that are on the sides to sprout and grow. My question is if the main shoot is just simply left alone to grow normally, won't the two little ones on the side grow as well into a bud anyway giving you three without removing the middle main shoot???? If so, why do people remove them? Thank you