My only form of income is growing. Other than that I have bills and expenses just like everyone else, money has to come from somewhere.
Lots of people are less than honest on their taxes. Many people will never get caught.
Confidence that you won't get fucked?......I don't think it exists. One reason the compensation is high is because of risk. And just to be clear, this goes for all people who grow, not just someone who has no respect for the law. Just try and do the best you can do.
You can consult with a lawyer, or even a tax lawyer. They will give you their interpretation and advice. Although, there is no indemnity with the law.
If it is your only income then it is very smart to claim some money on your taxes. Thats how they get ya, if you have utilites, phone, rent/mortgage, car note in your name and money comes and goes out of your bank account. Its only a matter of time before they find you.
What ever it is, when the IRS comes a penetrating your gonna need accurate looking books.
Yard mowing - need to keep receipts.
Car flipping - again receipts.
Personally, I would get some shit job that I didnt care about. For example food delivery driver. They make tips, you can always claim more than you make. Plus you get free food!