LIt Farms

Yeah, the tendency of hoarding seeds (and weed) comes from a time when everything was illegal and you had to get the most of whatever you could get when it was available. Seeds didn't used to be a problem at all. They came free with every bag of weed! Too bad I didn't save the TWO GALLON jar of seeds that I used to have back in the 70's.....all landraces strains....skunk....Colombian....blueberry....Thai...ah well.
If anyone has a few of the love for trade, it would amazing! I got the Grsndi Candy Thanksgiving special, but missed this one! Would be great to do them side by side!
Im thinking he moved back home and fell in that crowd again. My buddy went through the same thing.

Was addicted to heroin in Illinois so he moved out to his dad's in Utah. Well it was meth out there and his dad booted his ass back to Illinois. He ended up OD'ing last year.

My brother's friend OD right around same time in same shitty town. That heroin mixed with fent is no joke.

I live on Cape Cod and the Fentanyl is bad here too. I've only done Weed and Mushrooms in My Life and I'm 43 but I've had 2 Friend's I grew up with die from those Fentanyl laced Perc 30s in thelast couple of years.

Do you have a specific temp you keep your water at?
Doesn't matter what strain, I almost never get tails to pop out that far in water... they creep out a pinch and basically stall until planted or put into a napkin.

For that reason I usually soak 24 hrs then put in a napkin for them to kick tails out and pop the shells off on their own - but if I'm missing something I might just keep em in water longer lol.
Do you have a specific temp you keep your water at?
Doesn't matter what strain, I almost never get tails to pop out that far in water... they creep out a pinch and basically stall until planted or put into a napkin.

For that reason I usually soak 24 hrs then put in a napkin for them to kick tails out and pop the shells off on their own - but if I'm missing something I might just keep em in water longer lol.
Room temp, out of direct sunlight but not in the dark. It typically takes 1-3 days for tails to pop and then I let them sit in there for another 1-3 days. They need to remain on the surface of the water
Picked up a pack of Candi Gas 20 Regs and getting 20 reg pack of Slapz for free, should be here Monday.

Also my Lemon Cherry Soaps are almost at cloneable size to do some test pheno runs along with Fight club. They got ravaged with a bit of thrips so will treat that first.