Literally wardrobe growing

hi guys im also growin white moscow, its just over 3 weeks old and defo a she. when should i start using bloom nutes?
Hey AmnesiaRLD,

Got to tell you man, I loved your thread and watching you story unfold. You grew some really beautiful looking plants and have given me a lot of inspiration - my seeds are sitting in a glass of water right now!!! Take it easy and keep doing what you're already doing!

Cheers mate - J






I flushed her on Sat - so I guess I have around 2 weeks left. Opinions ?

Fuck, worst nightmare, found budrot littered throughout my main cola - sucks.

I've cut most of it away but going to harvest within next couple of days and see the damage - I think she is harvestable at the moment but man I'm pissed off.
Chopped her down yesterday and she is hanging up now. I got away and got rid of all the grey budrot - not as much as I thought thankfully.

I'll try and grab some pictures tonight - also, thankfully, she (compared to the White Moscow) looked ready to chop as it is. The main cola was almost snapping the stem because it was so top heavy.
Also guys, for those more experienced...

I’ve used 2 large cardboard boxes… which is actually more space than I need but it enabled me to hang across 4 lengths of string and peg the branches to them spaced wide apart. What I did was just de-leaf the branches and just hung them up with the buds attached. With any sugar leaves I cut away, I just lined 1 of the boxes with newspaper and laid them in there.

The main cola I just hung as it is in the middle of the one of the boxes.

I then closed the lids of the boxes, weighted them down (so nothing can get in) and stuck them in my garage high up out of the way.

Will this be an okay way of drying them? I’m going to grab a couple of those moisture/humidity soakers that collect water from the air and place them inside the boxes.

Advice welcomed thank you!
Hmmmm I'd get atleast one fan and put up there with 'em get as much fresh air you can on them you don't want them rotting even more.


I’ll try and get a fan on them; it’s just that the plug point is miles away from where I’m keeping the boxes. I bought a couple of big moisture collectors I’ll stick in the boxes – these things are huge so hopefully do a good job in soaking moisture.

The buds would have been hanging 24 hours when I check them tonight, so I’ll inspect them and like I say, I will see if I can find a way of getting a fan on them as I know this is a good idea to keep the mould away – might mean relocating the boxes though.

I’ll get some pictures up tonight – the main cola is bloody huge – heavy too.
Ya man relocating them somewhere close to a plug when be the smartest IMO. I always leave a fan running when I'm drying my buds for air circulation.

The worry is then I’m worried about leaving the lids open and having spiders or other insects getting inside, maybe attracted to the buds or something – shouldn’t be a prob if I check them daily though I guess. Fingers cross that horrible grey mould shit doesn’t start spreading. I had a bit affect my WM but fortunately again it wasn’t that much. However, doing some reading on the subject of budrot, it seems difficult to prevent.
Man it's going to be impossible to keep a fan over them all day as the garage gets used all the time by gardener etc. I will have to just do what I can to be honest. I just took some pictures. Let me know your thoughts - been in there for 24 hours now.



You can see the main cola in the middle ^^


There's the big girl. :)
