

Active Member
Hey there i was just wondering if anyone knows anything about lithium pills im pretty sure they are an antidepressant of some sort..but are they worth it???


Well-Known Member
All I know is bathing in lithium mixed with sea water makes you tingle and feel fucking amazing. Dunno about ingesting it directly.

Down in Bimini, right above the Bahamas, there is a natural lithium spring that is mixed with the ocean around it. The lithium gives off a blue tint and when you walk through it it makes you feel fantastic. Almost like someone is injecting you with the essence of awesome into your legs. XD

I'm stoned so I don't know if that made sense...


Well-Known Member
my gf takes them. they're kind of like a mood stabilizer. kinda for a bi-polar type of thing (from what I understand). they keep you from getting real happy, but also prevent you from becoming very sad also.


Well-Known Member
I'd really advise against taking them to get wasted..

Doctors try to avoid giving them out over that the fact lithium is toxic not to mention I don't even think they give you a high, but don't quote me on that.