Little bit of advice


Well-Known Member
hey guys im a beginner and i am just wondering if i could get my plant to be harvested like at the end of November by leting it veg for 3-4 weeks then pitting it straight into flowering for 2 months would this work and how would the final product be ?:leaf:

Brother Numsi

Well-Known Member
Well it depends on a lot of variables...I won't assume anything here...are you indoor out outdoor? What are the specs on your strain? (how many weeks?) Sounds like soil. If indoor what is your set up?

Def need more info to help :) Now, generally speaking if you veg 4 weeks (3rd week of Sept) and flower until the end of Nov, and all the planets allign, you prolly could do it.

Why the deadline? More info, please.
Good luck!!


Active Member
If your starting from seed you might want to consider 12/12 from the start. I've never done it but I see others having great sucess with it.
You can find plenty of info on it here at RIU.
Happy Growing


Well-Known Member
If it's a 8 week strain start 12/12 9 weeks befor you want to harvest. But now adays most 8 week plants realy take 8-14 weeks. This is do to crossing with sativa's. And if outdoors it's not going to happen. It's to late for northern hemisphere and to erly for southern ( Aussie )


Well-Known Member
I just go by the scope!Its head will roll before i wait 14WEEKS,LOL Warlock
Realy?? I want some Cali mist and kandy kush. Each are long flower strains. Can take 14 weeks but averages a zip each cola. I'll give it 4-6 weeks to double size.


Well-Known Member
it is a auto flower ak-47 so would this be able to do it? and about the deadline i am growing 3 plants just want to have bud ready to keep me going till my next plant is ready i am going to be cycling my plants by cloning them and repeating so i have a constant supply of bud and also i have read up somewere about cloning plant then cloning it again is bad for the strain is this right?



Well-Known Member
if u have an autoflower it should finish by then, i have 8-sideways 8 weeks left on my autoflowers yes to keep me satiated untill my future clones flower i have 3 autoflowers running against 7fems and 2 regs sweet toothxwarlock will be a good mix if one of them males by the time they are ready to clone I'll be authorized to grow more plants but now my limit is 12


Well-Known Member
u cant clone an autoflower because they dont revert back to veg and wont yield if u clone if u even can clone it


Well-Known Member
of course! its an auto so the veg time is VERY if u take a clone when its just starting to flower then the clone is too in the time it rooted(if it even did) then it would go straight to flower and the yeild /quality would be poor to say the least.sorry to rain on your parade matey!!!


Well-Known Member
would what be enjoyable?? if u mean an auto clone id guess at no!!! lol......ive got an afghan kush vegging at the moment too:-P she's at day 46veg i think!!!! looks great tho.i lst'd her and she's got about 12 (main) branches now.think im gonna flower her in a week or 2


Well-Known Member
the problem is there is no yield itll root but it probably wontstop flowering and u will just be traumatising the plant and stunting it for atleast a month i figure cuz when u clone normal flowering plants they take 2weeks to start vegging and the reason u clone is for multiple plants i figure ud just be feed in individual branches point is you would probably yield more and better just from using the single plant if u want to grow the biggest just tune your nutes.. im not sure how to do that probably a lil higher ppm and more of certain bottles I'm sure there are pages for that probably would be better off fertilizing the auto plant and taking its seeds n planting them when harvest is finished no shit probably be quicker to get that 2nd plant tha it would for cones with all the trauma from cloning