Little black bugs on my plant

Po boy

Well-Known Member
Make sure you wear protective gloves and glasses.

I used to make my own Hot Sauce with Super Hot peppers.

that is till I rubbed my eyes about an hour after making the Sauce,
I had washed for 5 minutes to remove any Hot pepper juice from my hands.

I hit the Floor in Pain, I have been Maced by the Fuzz,
that was nothing compared to my own stupid move!

It took 4 hours of flushing my Eyes before I could put my glasses back on.

Blood vessels burst all over my eyes from the small amount of of Pepper Juice that my hand skin absorbed.
sorry man, that's damn funny!


New Member
Hya guys!
Everything went fine yesterday, after an entire day of fight with those thrips, [and after slap them a lot ^^ ] they vanished from the plant! Then this morning I saw more than 60 of them flying on my yard's wall, I found out that they're attracted to green color, the wall is all green, so I didn't noticed at first, but then I putted some piece of clothes hanged there, including a green clothe, they started to fly to the green clothe in big amount, more than 60 to be more precise, and I started the killing once again. Next thing I sprayed nicotine diluted in water on the entire wall to see if those f*uckers quit it! I'm still using the nicotine solution while I don't find a good pepper or buy one. This morning my girl was great, I noticed she felt the stress of those pests two days ago, but then I went pruning her, applied some organic sprays to give her a lill' push, and this morning during the "yard hunting" there were quite few getting to reach her. So I snap shot'd her, and here she is:
IMG_20140209_144141_678.jpg IMG_20140207_083709_865.jpg
What do you guys think, is she okay? She's in two weeks flowering, are the buds in what is possible to say a standard development, etc,etc? and wht abt her overall, u guys think she's doin' fine?


New Member
BTW: I believe your thrips are "Cuban laurel" (Thysanoptera)

Here's a link to a gardening website with several pics of them
Great info, mate, I checked the website, great site.
I noticed that they arrive abt 6am, and go disappearing around 8am, when the sun is stronger and reaches the entire plant.. when it's about 12pm i don't see any1 of them anymore, do you know if there's any relation between the time and this kind of insect? they're not coming from my plant, all of them are coming from the surroundings..
ty :-P