Little dilemma (actually a pretty big one..)


Active Member
When a plant is on its very last week/s, and it begins seeding itself. What is one supposed to do? Trichomes are all milky, 75% pistols white.. what are you to do?


Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
If its from a female clone or female seeds and you want the seeds so you can grow more let it finish. The seeds will be female so why not, they cant polinate anything if they open anyway. If its from regular seeds I would hack it now because its a 50/50 chance they are female seeds and the male pollen could polinate my other girls if the pods open.


Active Member
If its from a female clone or female seeds and you want the seeds so you can grow more let it finish. The seeds will be female so why not, they cant polinate anything if they open anyway. If its from regular seeds I would hack it now because its a 50/50 chance they are female seeds and the male pollen could polinate my other girls if the pods open.
its a single female plant.. so let it rock the seeds then?


New Member
How much seeds?If not alot,pick um off.The plant will put most of its energy in feeding the seed,lowering thc production.


Active Member
How much seeds?If not alot,pick um off.The plant will put most of its energy in feeding the seed,lowering thc production.
i can see some starting to form in some calyxes.

Their very small and light green. On some of the new pistol growth u can start to see weird formations starting (which im sure are seeds)


Active Member
can you post some pictures? how did you have your female polinated.
It was next to a male before i got it.. but there wasnt any seed growth when it flowered? I just started seeing little green "balls" appear.. look closely at the top and youll see what im talking about.



Well-Known Member
It's a myth that THC production is stopped or slowed and only seed growth occurs. Seeded weed is every bit as potent as Sensi given proper nutrients and light.
You'll just have to pick the seeds out, and the overall weight is less, but it's every bit as potent.

I don't know why that myth still exists and top growers still quote it.


Active Member
It's a myth that THC production is stopped or slowed and only seed growth occurs. Seeded weed is every bit as potent as Sensi given proper nutrients and light.
You'll just have to pick the seeds out, and the overall weight is less, but it's every bit as potent.

I don't know why that myth still exists and top growers still quote it.
Is whats going on, in any way, shape or form hermie?