Little Green Ball on Bottom of Each Pistil?


I opened one calyx and noticed that it had a little green ball inside, on the bottom of the pistil. Is this normal for a female plant? Or is a hermie a possibility?

If anyone can bother to open one calyx and check it out, would be nice.

No pics, sorry...

how did this turn out? after a lot of research have determined it "may" be the ovules in each calyx, small eggs or unfertilized seeds....
i have seen them aswel they seem to stay very small, iv wondered myself if they are under developed seeds or just a normal part of the process, gratefulmeds if you have a source for where you read that it could be ovules you should send it cus id like to read it.


Active Member
Ummm is that where plant babies come from....or does the stork drop those mothafuckas off into my cloner
i have notice with some of the ones i seen early were not present at full harvest, so thats a good sign, i think it may just be the unferted seed that gets filled with resin
i actually read it on a couple different sites. if you google 'small green seed (or ball) within calyx' there is a lot of information... although much of it is of course contradicting. i'm siding with them being ovules !