Little help friends?


New Member
I was hoping could anyone kinda give me an idea of about how much longer b4 harvest realizing I have to check the color of trichomes. Heres a few pics>>
00 003.jpg00 004.jpg God bless you!

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
I doesn't look very dense and the leaves give the impression of a sativa dominant strain so I think 2-3 weeks is overly optimistic.


Well-Known Member
To me, these pics look like she's only about 1/2 way home. I'd say at least another 4 weeks :sad: The silver lining is that those "not so dense" buds should fatten up a lot during those 4 weeks :weed:

Good luck.

R2T :peace:


New Member
Thank you, I started thinking longer as well. I've read they fatten up, I just was getting worried I did something wrong! Ive been going by the book...reading this forum and I feel its going to be a very nice pant for my first! God bless


New Member
Thank you so much. Now I feel better. much better bc I've spent a lot of energy, time & money getting it here & don't want it to go wrong now! Good luck with yours my friends! So in 4 wks Ill be excited about showing it again! Wish me luck"