Little Help


Active Member
Hey every one right now i'm currently wanting to grow some weed. I have the lights and the chainber. But I need a site to buy seeds from. Im currently living in ohio and I was wondering if any one had a good site I could use to buy sites here in ohio thats not gonna scam me or report it to the cops, and ect.
~Thanks in advanced


Well-Known Member
You should check out the seed section on this forum. They list the reliable seed companys for you and even give you a link to their website.
Make sure you do your homework before you soak a seed. They will out grow you if you are not ready!
Check out the FAQ at the top of the page it has alot of usefull info.
And last but not least WELCOME to RIU! There are alot of good growers on here willing to help as long as you do your homework first.


Active Member
Alright I like this site but when im going to buy I can eather get Stealth or no Stealth witch did you get and is there a good chance i'll get cought with no stealth?

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
It dont really matter about stealth, but do it anyways.
Nice to see a new grower!
If you have any questions you let me know, alright?
Grow Great!

-Nice Ol' Bud