Little LED grow experiment


Well-Known Member
Is it supposed to be an auto? If so, then it should start flowering after a couple weeks regardless of light cycle; what you're talking about sounds normal. It will continue to grow and flower at the same time.
Is it supposed to be an auto? If so, then it should start flowering after a couple weeks regardless of light cycle; what you're talking about sounds normal. It will continue to grow and flower at the same time.
Yes it's an auto so I understand that this is normal. A lot of people are saying about this strain that while it is automatic, it can take up to 4 months for it to flower automatically. Most people opting to manually flower it before that by switching to 12/12.

In any case, it has now already become clearly obvious that it is flowering, I hope it will stretch a bit more because I'm going to have to trim the fan leaves otherwise, the thing is so damn bushy, standing at around 5-6 inches tall now. I'm going to start feeding it some nutes from the General Organics line for blooming starting next week.

I am not disapointed that it is already flowering. I'm extremely curious to see how it's going to turn out.
I had a similar thing happen when i put an auto in a pot which was too small. might be the same here
I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case. We will see, I may plant 3-4 more Auto JH seeds tomorrow, these will be started in their final pot. I'm off to the hardware store to get some thick plastic so I can line the walls of the walk-in closet. The construction of the new grow room is officially starting today! I will probably be done by tomorrow, gotta wait for my electrician.

Edit: Forgot to add, this girl is going to be STINKY. I've been able to smell her for a while already now, but now that the top cola is forming, I must say, she's a little girl that smells like a big girl.
Hey guys. After 2 days we finally got this done. Just finished about 20 minutes ago at 4:25am. It's not completely finalized but it's in working order. I have yet to find a suitable door. I might just go ahead and install a full blown exterior door and spray paint out the windows.

So I covered the floor with mylar covered insulation foam, then I boxed in the whole thing with clear plastic poly-wrap and sealed it shut. I then covered the walls with more mylar covered insulating foam and boxed the thing shut. Then I wrapped one layer of mylar around the room. I still have not placed an exhaust or intake. I will place those tomorrow, I'll need to go to the hardware store.

When I say "I" here, I mean "We", because I had a lot of help from some friends. Not going to give out any names but if they are to see this, they know who they are.

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The lights aren't as low as I want them to be, I'm going to need get some extension cords. Other than that, I'm pretty proud of this thing.

Also, Blue Rhino and JH Runt just sprang back today, I'm expecting to see growth soon. The pot that is covered with plastic has 2 romaine lettuces growing and I'm waiting on 3 Habanero seeds to sprout.
So I just woke up about half an hour ago. I can smell the damn thing from pretty far away. There was a drastic change in Martha from last night to today, I can see little buds everywhere!

The room without an intake and exhaust is stable at 24 celcius and 33% humidity which is pretty good, not sure how that will fluctuate once I add a passive intake and an exhaust fan. I am sure that the plants will be much happier in here no matter what though.

This is not the final light set up either. I want them boxed in much better than that.

If you guys have any ideas, comments or suggestions, let me know!


Well-Known Member
So I just woke up about half an hour ago. I can smell the damn thing from pretty far away. There was a drastic change in Martha from last night to today, I can see little buds everywhere!

The room without an intake and exhaust is stable at 24 celcius and 33% humidity which is pretty good, not sure how that will fluctuate once I add a passive intake and an exhaust fan. I am sure that the plants will be much happier in here no matter what though.

This is not the final light set up either. I want them boxed in much better than that.

If you guys have any ideas, comments or suggestions, let me know!
looks good, hope you got the extension chords so you can move the lights closer. Should be able to run those leds really, maybe as close as 6-12 inches ?
looks good, hope you got the extension chords so you can move the lights closer. Should be able to run those leds really, maybe as close as 6-12 inches ?
Technically, with good air flow they could be touching the plants.

I just switched the 2 T8 tubes I had in there for some 3000K ones I just bought. I totally forgot to buy the extension cords, I'll have to go back to the store.


I guess this is no longer an LED grow. Well, the main component of the grow are still LEDs, I just wanted to add some Fluos to fill in the spectrum and keep it low cost and low maintenance.
Sup guys!

I transplanted Martha into a much larger pot yesterday. The transplant could not have gone any smoother. I sprinkled some Mycorrhizae spores where I sat the roots to help her out. She did not stop even for a second.
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I totally forgot to take a picture of the Blue Rhino, she is looking very good. I'm going to be transplanting her as soon as I get extension cords. I don't think the table they're sitting on can handle another heavy pot like that.

She is extremely happy in the new room. The temperature and humidity are perfect for the moment. I may have to lower it a little bit in the final weeks of budding but I think it should be fine since I only have the one. Anyway, at least in this room I have better means of controlling the humidity and temperature than in the grow box.

I will try to post later with pictures of the blue rhino.


Oh yeah, I've clipped off a few of the largest fan leaves at the bottom of the plant and I then tucked in some of the higher fan leaves on top. So it may look a bit weird. It's very awkward to work on a plant so small with gigantic hands.
Hey guys. New pics. I think it's Day 9 since I saw the first pistil on Martha. I tied her down a bit and tucked all the bud sites in front so that they'd get maximum exposure.
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Here are 2 pictures of the Blue Rhino that came back to life and is doing pretty good.
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Thank you.

I have some crazy ideas (and new ones everyday) I need to play with. I'm just starting but I'm hooked. I think the next thing I'm going to try is to train a plant to grow in a spiral and then drop LED panels inside the plant and then surround it with more cheap light sources.

I'll update tonight or tomorrow with more pics. There isn't that much change since last time, all I did pull the plant back further with plant velcro. It seems to have stopped stretching, it may be starting to concentrate on flower growth.
Hey guys, quick update.

Martha is on day 38 now I believe. It's been 14 days since I've noticed the first pistil.

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Still on 24/0

I bought a new bag of MG Organic Potting Mix the other day and there were gnats in it. They're only coming out of the pots that have the new soil but I think I have this under control.

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On the far right is a pot with another Jock Horror Auto seed I started. I started this one in it's final pot, it popped out of the soil slightly after a day, it's still sticking out there. I accidentally knock it out of the soil yesterday. I hope I didn't shock it too much. to the right of that pot is another pot that's been cut out of the picture. I soaked 6 seeds that are supposed to be Cherry Kush. Whatever it is, I know it's good weed but I have a feeling it's going to hermie on me. I soaked 6 seeds and only this one was viable. On the left are the tiny JH auto runt (Now defunct, since 15 minutes ago, I think it was a male anyway.) and some lettuce and habanero pepper sprouts.

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Here is the Blue Rhino, she is looking very good. She's probably rootbound something awful by now, I need to buy some more soil and transplant her soon.


Well-Known Member
I bought a new bag of MG Organic Potting Mix the other day and there were gnats in it. They're only coming out of the pots that have the new soil but I think I have this under control.
I heard MG organic has a lot gnats. In the future try pasteurizing in an oven at 160 for a few of hours.
Seems I'm always battling gnats.
I heard MG organic has a lot gnats. In the future try pasteurizing in an oven at 160 for a few of hours.
Seems I'm always battling gnats.
Yeah I had heard the same but the first bag I bought had none so I figured it was just people bashing MG because it's fun to do so.


Well-Known Member
^^^I think it's where you get it more than brand. I've never seen a gnat in my MGO from Home Depot, but every bag of Happy Frog I get from the hydro store is always packed with guests. Personally I think the hydro store puts em in there ;).

And Purp I don't think 160F is gonna do much, 160C is a little different and all but isn't baking your organic mix defeating the purpose? I think a lot of mycos are gonna die too and if you bought MGO all your gonna have left is a bag of hot chicken shit :). LOL Wow, that is fun!

Best of Luck With the Grow TIDD!
^^^I think it's where you get it more than brand. I've never seen a gnat in my MGO from Home Depot, but every bag of Happy Frog I get from the hydro store is always packed with guests. Personally I think the hydro store puts em in there ;).

And Purp I don't think 160F is gonna do much, 160C is a little different and all but isn't baking your organic mix defeating the purpose? I think a lot of mycos are gonna die too and if you bought MGO all your gonna have left is a bag of hot chicken shit :). LOL Wow, that is fun!

Best of Luck With the Grow TIDD!
I believe you're right about cooking the soil. It would rid the soil of much of the "life" that makes it effective. You could always add organic nutrients and mycos afterwards though, I suppose. There are better ways of dealing with this I think.

I also agree with this problem coming from the store. It's probably mostly because of how it was stored. I'm also pretty sure the problem will fix itself once I get to a regular watering schedule in these pots. I have them sealed with plastic wrap to act as a humidity dome. Once I can safely let the soil dry out, I believe the problem will solve itself.

I've also sprayed a generous amount neem oil on top of the soil around the seedlings with the hopes of at least slowing down their progress until then.


Well-Known Member
^^^I think it's where you get it more than brand. I've never seen a gnat in my MGO from Home Depot, but every bag of Happy Frog I get from the hydro store is always packed with guests. Personally I think the hydro store puts em in there ;).

And Purp I don't think 160F is gonna do much, 160C is a little different and all but isn't baking your organic mix defeating the purpose? I think a lot of mycos are gonna die too and if you bought MGO all your gonna have left is a bag of hot chicken shit :). LOL Wow, that is fun!

Best of Luck With the Grow TIDD!

160 F is plenty to kill off the fungus gnats. Food safe temp warming temp is 140. But you do have to keep it at that temp for few hours. It is better to use low temp
rather than sterilizing the soil above 212F. Unfortunately it would knock out a lot of the microbes, but if the soil is infested better to knock them out cleanly without pesticides and then reinoculate the soil. You can always mix a little bit of good live compost that you know is clean afterwards.
Hey guys, quick update.

Martha is looking better and better, I can not ignore the smell any more. I'm going to have to run out and buy some stuff to make a DIY scrubber ASAP.

I'd post pictures but I'll wait until tomorrow.

I've fed Martha a pretty hot mix about 10 minutes ago. I'm using the General Organics line and I've exceeded the recommendations on the box by about twice what it says. I've followed the instructions but in half a gallon of water, the recommended dosage they give is for a gallon.

I did the same for the Blue Rhino, not as hot but quite hot, about an hour ago. It's early to tell but so far I think she's liking it.

Anyways, I'll get some pics as soon as I visit the room tomorrow.
Alright so it's day 40 for Martha, day 16 of flowering.

So I may have overdone it with the Nutes last night. No signs of nute burn yet though, this is just a feeling. The Blue Rhino is showing clear signs of over watering, she wasn't exactly dry when I fed her last night and I did give her pure water just after I gave her the mix. So I was kinda expecting this.

I can't exactly pinpoint why I feel like Martha got a little bit too much of the stuff. She's still looking good but I feel something is off.

The Cherry Kush and Jock Horror that I planted 2 days ago have sprouted. I (as carefully as I could) removed the seed from around the cotyledon on both of them.

I appologize for the terrible pictures, I took them in a bit of a hurry.

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And apparently I forgot to flip the pictures.

EDIT: I just took a closer look at Martha and I take back what I said. She is doing great.