Little Miss Fishy


Well-Known Member
Sooooo.................... After Marcbuster's thread I decided I wanted a new bubbler. Well, I wanted my first bubbler (I've owned 3 spoons, an 8" bong, and a chillum) Since I get paid on Saturday, I decided I'd splurge and buy myself a "going off to college" present to me. I was originally thinkig that I'd but a regular old small bubbler, bigger than my pipe, but still small. But I was thinking that I'd get a regular style bubbler, you know that stand up and are kind of a J shape. Then I decided to spend a little more and get a sidecar or a dual-chamber bubbler, for the style points. Then I saw my baby. At first I was sure she was out of my price range (my store displays $30 and $330 pieces side by side, so you never know) but I asked anyways. The price tag said $80. I'd already been looking at a gorgeous diffused bubbler that was $80, but he'd "let it go for $70." I knew the offer had to stand for this one as well. And it did. Since I only had $60 on me at the time, I was going to deposit $40 and pay the rest when I got paid. But he said "if you can come up with the rest of the money today I'll throw in a case for free." I reached into my pocket, pulled out my ATM card and said "I found some money!"

All in all, I walked out with a piece sure to be talked about by those who see it, and a case, for $75-somethin. (f---in tax)

here she is (high res pics coming later)

edit: the only downside is that now I won't have enough money to test her out til after my paycheck! (unless my connect decides to trade my budder for dry goods like I've been trying to do)

el shaggy

Well-Known Member
That is a very sick bubbler, I have a fish themed one aswell. Big Fish or Big Bass is what hes usually called.

sorry taken from the iPhone in the dark basement.