little nobs are forming at the nodes .,is this?

calyxes? im new at growing but had a plant before it died have these same nob like things petruding out the 3rd nodes and up... my plant is young but i switched from 18/6 to 17/6 and i guess its just maturation of the plant ... its a small plant but very pretty ... and already has a danky smell to it... but when i look at the nobs directly i see 2 little dark green dots... i hope this isnt formation of balls... everywhere ive seen male plants the balls look way diffrent and usually the male plant seems taller and lankier ... i dont know i just wish i had an expert to say yep those are calxyes or nope its a male... but i dont know im pretty sure female....just because the leaves are close together and i have sprouts that are growing taller ...but its getting more bushier like a female would be.... and it looks feminine :)

any suggestions would help

Professor Puff.n.Tuff

Active Member
Pictures would help but, from what your telling us is sounds like you have a male. You should not have any extra bumps at node locations. One node at each fan leaf with two hairs coming off of it. Dont pull it off of my opinion, you need to post pics or do more research until you are 100% sure. Do it quick to avoid any pollination. As far as I know males and females will look the same, if they are the same strain. Although each plant will grow its own way even if they are from the same mother. I havent had a male myself but I have seen lots of hermies in friends gardens and pics on the internet.


Female preflowers are going to be 1 "nob" or "green dot" with 2 hairs spouting from it, eventually.

Males have multiple "nobs" or "green dots"

Females will generally produce more "nobs", when flowering. The hairs from the first "nob" will usually be VERY obvious before you see any other "nobs" or "dots" on your female plant though(same node site development). You may see them all over the plant, but you should see hairs before you see another "nob" on the same node.

The building of "nobs"=buds. If your "nobs" have stems they are generally boys. Dont count them as boys until you see a pile of nobs, with no hairs though.

Same goes for the lady. Dont think its a she until you see hairs. Get a cheap magnifying glass if you have to, but look for hairs when trying to confirm Female status!

Males make as many pollen sacks as they can prior to flowering and during flowering, since the idea here is to pollonate the preflower to produce seeds.

Your buds are really the seedhouse. No seeds=nice buds.

Seeds gallore=natural cycle of the plant=worthless bud. The bud houses the seed until its mature then drops it on the ground to ensure the next generation of the plant.

Make sense?


BTW When I used the terms "Nobs" and "green dots" I was trying to use your lingo.

The real word(s) is "pre-flower" or "calyx"

Calyx is a botany term, not specific to MJ.

Hope this helps!
well i know pictures will help but my camera is not working. its not much to take a pitcure at since its small but i know its 1 nob at each node looks like a titty poking out and when i look at the tit it has 2 nipples like where hairs would be growing out of... its not a cluster its just one nob on each node ... i dont know though i think its too early to tell maybe... i mean the only reason why i think it looks female is because i have 4 other plants outside and 2 look diffrent when they were its age and 2 look about the same....

ive seen pictures of lots and lots of clusters of balls on males but this is just like a tit looking thing whitch i hope grows into a calyx
but the nipples arent nipple shapes it is just like 2 green dots in middle of titty

and another example is like a the point of a pen.. with 2 holes or darker green dots on the top of the point

its verry smal but i know no clusters of nobs are growing..because i had a plant that did the same thing and b4 i killed it with nutes it was starting to look like a calyx with the boob lookin thing splitting i think


Diagnosing male/female is alot harder when in vegging. The diagrams are hard to follow until you have seen it a few times.

Basically an abundance of calyx's are boys, a singular one will prolly be a girl but until you have hair you will not know for sure.

Hope that breaks it down for you!
