Little over 2 weeks in after receiving clone..looking for suggestions

Alright so I have a clone of sour d and I'm using 4 cfl lights. Imgoing to post pictures of my whole set up because I'm mainly just looking for any advice. It's a closet grow room so not much room to do to much hah. It's looking good. Just started with nutrients and I've currently been on 24 hrs light.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions or advice for a good healthy high yielding plant!image.jpgimage.jpg


Active Member
Get a T5 HO and mount in on the wall or hang in from the ceiling, very cost efficient! looks good so far though mane.
I was thinking of putting a t5 in there but read they are more on the red spectrum so wouldn't that trigger flowering?

Chipmunk, I actually lowered all of the lights right after taking those pictures and I just started giving it nutrients today. Prior to that it was just water


Well-Known Member
More light is good. Buy the spectrums you want. 12/12 triggers flowers even MH..reg seeds.


Active Member
Flowering is triggered by leaving lights on for 12 hours off 12 hours. Not by red. Red light can strengthen that switch but not initiate it at all.
Yea just let them recover from that stress for a while before you flower them.
How big is the space?
Okay cool thanks for the advice. The space is about 2 feet deep and 5 feet wide (it's a city apt closet) would you suggest having the CFLs and the t5 going at the same time?


Active Member
If you get a good t5 panel then I would maybe put cfls on the side to penetrate into the bud. Just remember to have those cfls pretty close around 2 inches away. How are your temps?
Yeah that's what I planned on doing with them if I kept them. Temp stays between 76 and 81 consistently and my RH is about 40-50%


Active Member
your temps might go up too much if you add many more lights unless you add more ventilation. I would reduce your light to 18/6 slowly. So go to 20/4 for a few days then to 18/6. Be sure to change it by adding to the dark period. Make sure your space is light proof and if your temps are too high you might want to run lights at night when temps inside are cooler. What kinda ventilation are you running?


Active Member
I know but I don't know what to do cause it's in a closet not near any windows or anything to vent it to

If you can then drill a hole in the wall or door and just vent it through there, thats what i would do in your situation. If you cant do that then honestly I dunno.
Also, are you living at home with your parents?


Active Member
Your gonna need ventilation

you could tarp up the door with plastic and light proof it and hook up a fan into the plastic of the door. This keeps you from drilling into the building.. assuming it doesn’t need to be hidden.