little red hairs :(


Active Member
ok i'm confused :| i just but my plant into full flowering a couple of days ago and their are little red hairs starting to come out of the pistils....there are also many thick white hairs...but i'm confused about these thin reds!

thx to anyone who can help :)


Well-Known Member
It is most likely the genetics of your plant. Like orange kush has very few white hairs. It goes back to pistil color has nothing to do with harvesting.


Well-Known Member
Personally, if the plant looked fine as a whole and no appearance of other problems, I would not worry. Just wait and see what it does.


Active Member
i will try to post a pic soon enough! though its a little small and i had to trim a good portion of leaves off due to some deasease...but it should turn out okay! we'll see when the cycle is done...and i'll begin again!!!


Active Member
I also get red hairs very early. It's my 4th grow and other than alot of red hairs everything turns out great. I use only cfl's @ 17,000 lumens, so I don't think i'm burning them.:joint: