little tiny spiderweb like strands sometimes when breaking up bud


My first harvest had a little mold, I cut it out and tossed it. I noticed that some buds I kept, when breaking them up in bright light, seem to have a few tiny strands that stretch and break. It almost looks like a spiderweb material. I had a minor mite problem in the beginning of that grow that I got rid of successfully, I thought they were gone by flowering but I figured maybe that accounted for the web thingies. This harvest I had a very tiny bit of mold on one plant and tossed it like before, but there have been no signs of mites at all and I still seem to find this on some of my denser buds. It is mold? It doesn't smell like mold, and the mold that I have seen is pretty obvious, so I have no idea what this is. It's not on all the buds and if you weren't looking for it closely under a bright light you wouldn't notice, but I want it out, whatever it is.


I looked under a scope and it looks normal as far as I can tell. Is it possible that there could be a few mites in the buds even if there is no sign of them on the leaves?


Well-Known Member
was curious about this??
..those little fuckers ull never no with themm...i hope not..

thas y i have a grinder just grind the fuck out ur shit ull be good all day!



sm-90 seems like it works on everything it might possibly be, i got my humidity and temperature where it should be now, think it's worth using that stuff in the future too?