live cultures. simple detailed explanation?


New Member
How exactly do they work overall? How do you start one? How much can you make from a 20 cc syringe. How long can they sit around? I've never grown before and have been doing a lot of reading but reading is not enough if you don't understand everything that's put out...

thump easy

Well-Known Member
shit i have done one but it take fucken for ever and you just need a labratory envirment straight up you need coin if you aint got it it will be a battle.. good luck..


New Member
I'm in no hurry to dive into that, I'm not worried about spending money either tho. More of a curiosity right now. I see where several people use it just want more info on it...


Well-Known Member
Why would you want dead culture? Sterilize a liquid culture solution, anything with honey, potato steep, corn steep, malt extract or molasses then squirt some spores in it. If you have a bit of live mushroom, use that instead, that will give you a moniculture. Shake a couple of times a day for half a week and then you are done.