Livers/Blues, Psychosis, Critical Mass, 600 Hps and Soil


Well-Known Member
holy pissflaps sambo!!

that is a frickin bush lol, you're killin it mate! a little fast never hurt anyone, look at those etheopians, they can run for days on end!
lol thanks wow yeah the pyscho is getting big now im pleased with her its a lovely strain.

Haha I love it, awesome pic also
thanks HP

going to be a tidy haul of top end gear sambo, i bet you cant stop lookin at them haha. sneaky tester yet?
yeah i do like to have a good stare at em each time i open up the tent lol the buds on the livers are looking really nice wana try it badly but havent had a sample yet although i think i might av a lil bud off her next wk around wk 7?

Rockin that shit sambo gunna be a swell harvest mate
thanks newguy really hope it is a good yield.


Well-Known Member
well i dunno how long im gonna be able to let these go people i got inspections on the 28th of april and 3rd of may lolol should be able to fob both of for a week at least well the 28th they can go chase me but the 3rd is alot harder to put off and they wont entry to the the flat should be able to put em of off a wk which will take me to a full 8wks and thats bout best i can do.

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
well i dunno how long im gonna be able to let these go people i got inspections on the 28th of april and 3rd of may lolol should be able to fob both of for a week at least well the 28th they can go chase me but the 3rd is alot harder to put off and they wont entry to the the flat should be able to put em of off a wk which will take me to a full 8wks and thats bout best i can do.
I Feel ya pain there, ive been dodging the gas and electric people for ages now ive got red letters plus i got there fixing up all the houses arond here windows and doors ... got mine down just in time for them to come round next week. You'll figure something out.
And wosrt of all they probaly aint even going want to look around the whole house just certain rooms, so if you know what there after you can try and work around them..


Well-Known Member
I Feel ya pain there, ive been dodging the gas and electric people for ages now ive got red letters plus i got there fixing up all the houses arond here windows and doors ... got mine down just in time for them to come round next week. You'll figure something out.
And wosrt of all they probaly aint even going want to look around the whole house just certain rooms, so if you know what there after you can try and work around them..
yeah fuck em dgd ill sort something right now i got shares in ONA lolol but when ya step inside the ona just aint doing it lol i see a family beheivemant or something along them lines coming up lol


Well-Known Member
yeah fuck em dgd ill sort something right now i got shares in ONA lolol but when ya step inside the ona just aint doing it lol i see a family beheivemant or something along them lines coming up lol
lol bummer man, im sure you'll still get a monster harvest. Better get some valium at the ready, you're gonna be bouncin off the walls haha.


Well-Known Member
lol bummer man, im sure you'll still get a monster harvest. Better get some valium at the ready, you're gonna be bouncin off the walls haha.
lol i could do with some valium just to calm me nerves each time i go water them, fucking place stinks if i get threw this 1 im definatly treating myself to that bong lol

you got anything on the grow at the mo then WoW?


Well-Known Member
haha, you'll be able to buy 20 of em with this harvest!

just go two autos and OG kush 18 but there only like 3 weeks old so I'm not bothering with a journal just yet.

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
lol i could do with some valium just to calm me nerves each time i go water them, fucking place stinks if i get threw this 1 im definatly treating myself to that bong lol

you got anything on the grow at the mo then WoW?
I always treat myself to something when its all done,makes sense for all that hard graft im thinking about a new laptop the ipads got my eye but all this tracking malarkey i dont know..
Get the Bong bro .. No ifs bro it brings doubt :) You are getting threw it bro ... :)


Well-Known Member
I always treat myself to something when its all done,makes sense for all that hard graft im thinking about a new laptop the ipads got my eye but all this tracking malarkey i dont know..
Get the Bong bro .. No ifs bro it brings doubt :) You are getting threw it bro ... :)
thanks DgD i just gotta get threw this and then il av the £££ to sort the smell out was doing it with a friend all last year cause moved everything away when the missus got pregnant, stopped the sharing at xmas so its been a while without any decent cash.

this is the bong im gonna get your right m8 no ifs im fucking getting it lol

also whatcha think off these fans


Well-Known Member
i just like them fans cause of the db levels and the price both better than the boxed acoustic fans im using the cheap rvk fans at the mo and they are noisey and need upgrading.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i tried adding a dimmer switch to my fan, but it just made it crackle like bad eleccy things were happening so i removed it. was looking at a primair controller thing few lads use them n rate them. probably save me a fortune on eleccy.

that bong is BOSS man. diffused downstem and percs. nice


Well-Known Member
i tried adding a dimmer switch to my fan, but it just made it crackle like bad eleccy things were happening so i removed it. was looking at a primair controller thing few lads use them n rate them. probably save me a fortune on eleccy.

that bong is BOSS man. diffused downstem and percs. nice
yeah im liking the look of that bong and thougt it was a good price at £99? what is a perculator tho don? whats it do?

a friend of mine use's a fan controller unit thingy cost 100 but ya set ya temps and it regulates the fans to keep the set degree im not too shore tho cause the way i have my filter and cooltube linked i dont want the fan running on low power cause of the controller meaning my carbon aint running at max at all times? dunno if that makes sense to any1 but me, but i no what i mean neway lol

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
what is a perculator
coffee machine???? hahaha fucking ha ;)

even when my tent is stinking and the fan speeds drop down to idle at night i still have no smell with my primeair contoller....

heavy night last night on the butter, 2 cookies and i was wasted, 50g of headband and g-bomb trim to 500g butter ;)


Well-Known Member
coffee machine???? hahaha fucking ha ;)

even when my tent is stinking and the fan speeds drop down to idle at night i still have no smell with my primeair contoller....

heavy night last night on the butter, 2 cookies and i was wasted, 50g of headband and g-bomb trim to 500g butter ;)
what it makes coffee aswel now im sold!

i been on the butter this wk made 250g of butter with the trim from 9plants dunno what it weighed but the butter was strong, really do love the butter buzz!

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Hey SAmBO!!!!!!! hope you had a nice weekend.
So is everything ok with your garden..? i was reading a little about some people coming over to your pad that you might not want there? So an early harvest.? I cant wait to see some fresh bud porn pics.. and that bong that the Doc posted is SWEEEETT. I might buy that one if it had an ash catcher.. i wonder if that is an option?
Later m8