Well-Known Member
nice mix! is there sufficient cal n mg in there?
I am down with Rising Moon 100%...Sorry yall...also he didnt really sound like a dick in the first post - that was a great wake up call for 99% of the growers on this site. Someone advocating that hard for true organics should be welcome, and very appreciated on this thread...
I heard a lot of hype on here about TLO and the rev etc so I bought the book, read the whole thing, and honestly it didn't teach me anything new, and a lot of the things in there made me cringe a little bit. It is still full of great stuff (worm farm in the flower room etc.) but nothing that you cant find with a tiny bit of research online, or think of yourself...also the whole "layers and spikes" thing is BS in my opinion and pretty sketchy.
Much more valuable information is to be found online (read all of Lumperdawgz posts on grasscity and you'll see what I mean), in Teaming with Microbes, or in books like Permaculture: A designers manual by Bill Mollison, or numerous other real gardening books. Unfortunately the cannabis industry leads itself to gimmicky practices, and a lot of the information out there coincides with buying a certain product. Funny how that is....notice how soil companies always have a line of nutrients to go with their shitty soil that always runs out of nutes around a month...I learned this one the hard way by falling into their trap like so many others.
Recently I have started another compost pile, a vermicomposting system, beginning to experiment with FPEs (fermented plant extracts), Bokashi, EM-1 (effective microorganisms) and BIM (beneficial indigenous microorganisms). Using rice hulls and pumice instead of perlite, etc. Integrating fermentation and CO2 exchange into the flower room with edible products...the opportunities are endless!
The rev may provide a good foundation on which to get started and build your organics, but true living organics are above and beyond that book. If you had to choose, Teaming with Microbes is an infinitely better choice IMO.
I am by no means an old advocate of this practice, I only began reading Lumpers posts about a month ago...but can tell you I have seen the light and I will never turn back!!! Permaculture has always been my thing, so it is natural to apply the same principles indoors - even though the environment is synthetic the soil can still be alive as ever.
So Rising Moon...tell us of your waysI'd love to hear more and you sound like you know what you're talking about
Everyone else sit back and listen...stop hating on someone who is trying to open your mind!
i know advertising isn't allowed here..i guess what I meant to say was: this is why advertising isn't allowed here.
thanks for banning himthe first thing I told him was that he was going to get banned...
god bless the mods!!!
First off Cann you just have something against The Rev or TLO because you have your own style that mainstream gardeners won't touch. LOL. next I saw his post and you didn't post anything on his post at all. You need anger management. Every comment I have seen from you is angry for some especialy from TLO.
And I contacted him about him getting banned and his products. And he said he asked to be banned and thats the only reason for his ban. He said sunni was crying.
Agree with top post, what makes it worse is these people are supposse to be conscious , but yet i read marks like "rev can choke on my rock dust" ??
Talk about immature idiot
back too my garden where there is no hate, just pure love and peace