Living Organics *Ofiicial Thread*

Couple other thoughts:
1. My 3 gal TLO plants have that little burn on the tips where the ss ones generally do not. I wonder if that is from the root tip just tasting the flower spike. My containers are 3 gal and I went ahead and ran spikes in them even though he says you don't have spike it at 3 gallons.
2. Some of his ingredients are a pita to source. Next time I might create my own hot soil, say fifty percent ss, fifty percent coco and perlite, and just spike and layer that mix.
3. Feather meal and unsteamed bone meal are cool ingredients I didn't know about.
4. I do not feel good about not using RO water, cuz the guy tells you to like a hundred times.
5. I still think these 3 gallon TLO containers are in the ballpark of 7 gallon ss containers. This is very UNscientific however.
What is "layering & spiking" method what The Rev uses for tlo? I'm sure I'm familiar with it he probably just calls it something fancy.
Layering and spiking are pretty straight forward. What the rev likes to do when preparing a new container is alternate between layers of strong mix and layers of your basic soil. He likes to splash blood meal on the bottom of the container, put a thick layer of a high nutrient blend, cover that up with regular soil, add another thin layer of nutrients about halfway up the container, more soil, and then top it off with 2 inches of castings and another splash of blood meal at the top. You end up with a stratified kind of container that has "layers." Then he makes the "spikes" by driving a dowell rod into the soil along the edge of the container. He will normally put four spikes equally spaced around a container. You can run the spike as deep or shallow as you'd like. He fills the holes made by the rod with a strong blend of nutrients that the roots will grow into when the plant decides it is ready for that much nutrition. Don't forget to mulch!
I made a thread in subcools old school organics section that I think Is ppretty interesting In Reguards to TLO.

Copy and paste

So I've been doing mad research lately with books like teaming with microbes and true living organics by the rev.

In subs super soil recipe, mychorrizal is not added, but does mention that base soil NEEDS mychorrizal as this is a huge part in the success of super soil.

According to the rev, and I quote " don't bother using bagged soil mix that has added mycorrhizal fungus here, because it will not survive the cooking process without living plant rootz to attach to, so although its not harmful in any way, it's just a waste of money."

this made me think, (correct me if I'm wrong), but I never heard sub mention to add mychorrizal after the cooking process. I believe we just assume its in there because our base soil claims to already have it.

For my mix I did add mychorrizal, and after reading this, I realized I spent more then I should of, but even worse, I never added mychorrizal when I introduced the soil with my plants.
That means, (assuming mychorrizal only survives with rootz to attach too) mychorrizal can be missing in most super soil mixes. (assuming you never inoculated before transplanting)
this also means that most bag soils that have mychorrizal already added, can be deceiving.

I quickly went to my local hydro and purchased water soluble mycho and drench the fuck out of my roots and hope they start doing there thing in time.

For my next super soil mix, I will be transplanting with both water soluble and granular mychorrizal just to make sure it's properly inoculated.

However, I would like to add that I'm sure Mychorizzal, or other beneficial fungi are present in good quality soil, it's just a matter of is there enough of it to do what it's suppose to do?

Back to the books
"The Rev" and his "TLO" is a bunch of bullshit IMO.

True living organics, with store bought soil and fertilizers?

What a joke.

Its not very hard to make YOUR OWN compost, leaf molds, EWC's and fermented plant extracts.

I guess Ill have to write a book called "Actual living Organics", that teaches people how to make, for free (for the most part), better soils, fertilizers and microbial universes than any bagged product could even dream of claiming to contain.

If it comes in a bottle or bag straight from the shelf, chances are its NOT alive.
"The Rev" and his "TLO" is a bunch of bullshit IMO.

True living organics, with store bought soil and fertilizers?

What a joke.

Its not very hard to make YOUR OWN compost, leaf molds, EWC's and fermented plant extracts.

I guess Ill have to write a book called "Actual living Organics", that teaches people how to make, for free (for the most part), better soils, fertilizers and microbial universes than any bagged product could even dream of claiming to contain.

If it comes in a bottle or bag straight from the shelf, chances are its NOT alive.

Wow u just dissed a whole thread, how does it feel to be a dick?

Dont want to argue with you, dick, but most of us, don't live by fucking bat caves or islands where we can go collect guanos, or live by the sea to be able to collect oyster or kelp. So we have to buy (if we so choose too) store bought guanos. TLO is a style that has been out for generations, the rev just coined the term TLO, but teaches how to be sustainable with organic techniques. Any one can find information on what the rev teaches(sustainable organics), he just teaches it too apply to cannabis growing. Unfurtantley the cannabis industry is ruled by synthetics dicks, (much like your self) so In a way he helps bring sustainability and organics back to cannabis.

Im sure your book won't be very successful because people won't read a book that say written by author DICK head
Wow u just dissed a whole thread, how does it feel to be a dick?

Dont want to argue with you, dick, but most of us, don't live by fucking bat caves or islands where we can go collect guanos, or live by the sea to be able to collect oyster or kelp. So we have to buy (if we so choose too) store bought guanos. TLO is a style that has been out for generations, the rev just coined the term TLO, but teaches how to be sustainable with organic techniques. Any one can find information on what the rev teaches(sustainable organics), he just teaches it too apply to cannabis growing. Unfurtantley the cannabis industry is ruled by synthetics dicks, (much like your self) so In a way he helps bring sustainability and organics back to cannabis.

Im sure your book won't be very successful because people won't read a book that say written by author DICK head

I am the one advocating making your own high quality LIVING organic amendments, and I am a "synthetics dick"?

Just telling it like it is...

Sorry, but your fooling yourselves if you think throwing some guano and kelp under bark mulch in a 2 gallon pot with store bought soil is "true living organics"

I dont live near a cave or by the ocean, but I sure as hell can make compost from my food waste and the leaves/grass that are available for free.

And making fermented plant extracts for veg and flower is very simple as well, and much better quality than anything store bought.

(I was joking about the book, by the way...)

No need to be offened, but if you want to up your game, and grow with TRUE living organics, start a compost pile, look up some fermented plant extract recipes and stop over reacting.
I am the one advocating making your own high quality LIVING organic amendments, and I am a "synthetics dick"?

Just telling it like it is...

Sorry, but your fooling yourselves if you think throwing some guano and kelp under bark mulch in a 2 gallon pot with store bought soil is "true living organics"

I dont live near a cave or by the ocean, but I sure as hell can make compost from my food waste and the leaves/grass that are available for free.

And making fermented plant extracts for veg and flower is very simple as well, and much better quality than anything store bought.

(I was joking about the book, by the way...)

No need to be offened, but if you want to up your game, and grow with TRUE living organics, start a compost pile, look up some fermented plant extract recipes and stop over reacting.

I only agree with what u said about compost piles and fermented plant extracts, but obviously your still missing the point of this thread and growers trying TLO. Your first sentence post straight dissed what this thread is about (makes u a dick IMO)

Trust me homie I started a compost pile long before I started growing cannabis. Luckily I'm blessed with owning land and have the space and time for it. (sure there are ways of doing it in your apartment, Rented commercial spot, home with little to no land) but a lot of growers have to buy store products.

Once again, ur missing the point of this thread
Not missing the point, just stating my opinion.

If this thread is about TRUE LIVING ORGANICS I am down to share and talk.

But if this thread is about "The Rev" and his methods then I am not interested...
Not missing the point, just stating my opinion.

If this thread is about TRUE LIVING ORGANICS I am down to share and talk.

But if this thread is about "The Rev" and his methods then I am not interested...

I'm not exactly sure why your dissing on the rev so hard. I know there seem to be a lot of plugs in his book, but he also teaches things like recycling soil and introduces people to the idea of composting at their own homes. All of these things encourage people to begin to break away from buying as many things at the hydro shop.
I am down with Rising Moon 100%...Sorry yall...also he didnt really sound like a dick in the first post - that was a great wake up call for 99% of the growers on this site. Someone advocating that hard for true organics should be welcome, and very appreciated on this thread...

I heard a lot of hype on here about TLO and the rev etc so I bought the book, read the whole thing, and honestly it didn't teach me anything new, and a lot of the things in there made me cringe a little bit. It is still full of great stuff (worm farm in the flower room etc.) but nothing that you cant find with a tiny bit of research online, or think of yourself...also the whole "layers and spikes" thing is BS in my opinion and pretty sketchy.

Much more valuable information is to be found online (read all of Lumperdawgz posts on grasscity and you'll see what I mean), in Teaming with Microbes, or in books like Permaculture: A designers manual by Bill Mollison, or numerous other real gardening books. Unfortunately the cannabis industry leads itself to gimmicky practices, and a lot of the information out there coincides with buying a certain product. Funny how that is....notice how soil companies always have a line of nutrients to go with their shitty soil that always runs out of nutes around a month...I learned this one the hard way by falling into their trap like so many others.

Recently I have started another compost pile, a vermicomposting system, beginning to experiment with FPEs (fermented plant extracts), Bokashi, EM-1 (effective microorganisms) and BIM (beneficial indigenous microorganisms). Using rice hulls and pumice instead of perlite, etc. Integrating fermentation and CO2 exchange into the flower room with edible products...the opportunities are endless!

The rev may provide a good foundation on which to get started and build your organics, but true living organics are above and beyond that book. If you had to choose, Teaming with Microbes is an infinitely better choice IMO.

I am by no means an old advocate of this practice, I only began reading Lumpers posts about a month ago...but can tell you I have seen the light and I will never turn back!!! Permaculture has always been my thing, so it is natural to apply the same principles indoors - even though the environment is synthetic the soil can still be alive as ever.

So Rising Moon...tell us of your ways :bigjoint: I'd love to hear more and you sound like you know what you're talking about

Everyone else sit back and listen...stop hating on someone who is trying to open your mind!
:eyesmoke: Thanks whodat...I just cant stand to see someone get hated on for speaking truth in what should be a very open-minded forum...makes me lose faith in the RIU community...we should be better than that!!! Especially here in Organics...:wall:
I'm not hating rising moon"s knowledge(would love to hear his knowledge on organics(if he stops being a dick)), but saying shit like the rev and tlo is a bunch of bull shit, is straight dissing, read the threads title, why come in here and talk shit? And even worse why r people agreeing with him?
Start another thread about permaculture marijuana organics(or whatever), but come in here and diss isn't very "open minded"
This reminds me of subcool and how people hated super soil and questioned subcool, sub cool is a great guy that shared his recipe to thousands of growers who till this day are having amazing harvests.
The rev and TLO is no diffrent then sub and super soil,
I geuss there will always be people just talking shit no matter what.
If hating on a technique or a person is "open minded", then count me out..

Hopefully this wont be Another hijacked thread.

Hopefully some one can rejuvenate this thread and drop some of their TLO experiences.:peace::peace:
I know I will in the coming months:leaf:
Hello. I want TOP SELF meds, I currently grow in super soil, and ocean forest. I just receveied my TLO book by the rev, and read thought it, and big plants in little contarers sounds good. spikes and layers sounds like a good idea. I was Queastioning the Spikes methed, but now i understand.

I am missing lots of the requered ingredanted , so i was thinking of compining SUPER SOIL with TLO. I am thinking of using the Super soil for the spikes (why not, it is composted vs TLO spikes are not composted, should work )

I see he uses Oranicare Pure, (The post office called me and said "we dont know what this stuff is but we are not going to deliver it, and I had to go pick it up, because the bag was ripped and the dust from it is the WORST smell u ever encountered.

IS TLO a good methed? i see the rev says it dont yeaild as good as other ways. That conserns me alittle, yeailds less than what? I was not inpressed by any of the pictures of plants grown in TLO in the book. I like the 1/4 pound super soil plants.
Iv grown some monsters in supersoil... supersoil is an active living soil, so what exactly is different here? just the layering and spiking?
Layering and spiking, diversity of ingredients of the base soil - that is about it as far as I can tell...
I sure was impressed with his photos of veg plants in 4" nursery containers looking as BIG BUSHY and HEALTHY as what i am accustomed to having in a one or two gallon container. (especially under a LED light source, I will never ditch my MH in veg) Also his yields are from 2.5 gallon containers and a single 400w lamp. Plus if you have ever had the chance to sample some rev style TLO meds you will realize that this method is about resin quality first and foremost, and it works extremely well to make any genetics squeeze out all that they are capable of. Flowers just hold the resin, and DUH you can grow bigger buds than the rev, but can you grow better resin? Probably not.
more resins than super soil, my last run my buds were almost wet. and they are still drying since dec 7, i can smoke a couple strains, but my bubba, blue widow, and qurkle are still wet from resins