Living Organics *Ofiicial Thread*

I hear you. I have found when you distill this all down, it's cheaper, easier and better. Worms and microbes can do the job just fine. Just build a reasonable soil and amend with EWC, etc. Screw AACT. That's another program that you won't see people outside of Weedville participating in.
Glad, then you're setting yourself up to go back to hydro.

I'm gonna do a few runs. If this method sucks, It'll be on The Rev, not me.
I have plently of seeds, clones, soil, and time. I expect killer buds, not failure.
Once I am doing this, then it'll be easier for me to take an item at a time and address it.
I think I owe it to my patients to have both organic and synthetic meds.
They are split as far some wanting organic, and those not wanting meds grown in shit. literally.
Ya, but it's not shit. I realize that's not your perspective, but jesus that's a pretty uneducated response. Amazing what nonsense people have in their heads. 50 years ago, even a shoe cobbler wouldn't have said that. We've grown quite dumb.

And Glad, you know that I'm always ready to help a guy get real with soil.

Anyway, this is a thread discussing TLO and I'm not being fair coming here to criticize, so I'll leave it at that.
Those aren't my words. And if I felt that way I wouldn't be buying the shit to use. lmao.
If this doesn't work to liking you will orchestrate the next organic run.
I certainly trust your judgement more than anyone else's on here, as far as organics go.
I will hae a nice worm farm and vortex brewer for the job.

They're really nice, but for the cost and s&h you can build like 5 tubs and buy your worms. To each is his own, this is just one thing where I felt it would be ok to do some DIY. Compost brewer...not so much ^_^
Glad- I'd pocket the $$ on the brewer. Instead, focus on exceptional worm castings.

Either one of those worm deals look great. I'm just using a simple 30 gallon Smart Pot on a slightly raised platform to allow air under. Works great and cost me $15
Rrog, have ever done a direct comparison of an unbalanced pH grow and a balanced pH grow. . .If so, what was your conclusion. I'm very intrigued. Also, I agree stoner science is hilarious, especially when people recommend something they themselves have never personally tried. Personally, I would NEVER use organics in an indoor garden. Organics thrives outdoors, this is COMMON sense. Especially if your reusing soil.

edit: I'm not saying you can't grow organics indoors, but I don't and I have been growing organic outdoors since day one. Personally I feel like my soil is too alive for indoor and won't perform at it's full potential. Theirs a time an place for everything.
It's sad that this thread is getting 1 start out of 5. I had high hopes for this thread, got hijacked by haters and off topics. I'm personally in the works of cooking revs 2.0 soil and soon will be starting my first TLO style grow along with super soil.
i recommended for anyone interested in the rev to get his special edition skunk magazines I believe there is three or four of them, all have great information and goes in depth into his style and organics, also rev seems like a really cool guy that's into organic.. Once again if your interested in my future grow check my sig. Ill post back in this thread too show some pictures and give out some thoughts of TLO and the rev. On a side note, I recently took a road trip to Oregon and purchased some dank TLO grown skunk, and by god it's serious some of the dankest herb I ever smoked!!!!! Never thought I would ever say the best herb I ever smoked came from else where that isn't California!!! Lol:peace:
got hijacked by haters and off topics. On a side note, I recently took a road trip to Oregon and purchased some dank TLO grown skunk, and by god it's serious some of the dankest herb I ever smoked!!!!!
We actually contributed to this thread out a lot more than you did, if you want to be a wise ass. It's a shame you can't grow the dankest weed you ever smoked, instead you stoop to buying it. Good luck on whatever your trying to achieve, but calling us haters and off topics aint going to get you anywhere. So just keep reading our posts, and take notes!
Glad, then you're setting yourself up to go back to hydro. You've been doing hydro for years; what are the chances this first soil grow will have more yield than your experienced hydro grows.

The problem with all of this is that there isn't a serious horticulturist that would ever do what the Rev recommends. And let's face it, when you have a magazine, you need advertisers, so if you write a book, you had better include all your best advertisers.

Biologically, horticulturally, scientifically, this fails. Largely stoner science which is SOOOOO easy to propagate because stoners love an idol. Could be Ed, could be Subcool, could be the Rev. It's very easy to sell stoners the farm. Sad, because paradoxically, stoners are generally broke and spending money they don't have. It's really stoner exploitation.

Lol stoner exploitation. I think the only exploitation that goes in in the growing business is synthetics fertilizers.
If you take time and read revs interviews, u would realize that the rev isnt out to exploit stoners, shit all his reading material is posted online free! He describes what organics works best for him but never ever says to buy a certain product.

In my opinion,
Organics is organics, of course it's not cheap, that why the food I purchase at my local garden is expensive. Thats why my collective's private reserves are priced slightly higher then synthetic hydro crap.
Not trying to pick a fight, just giving out my 99cents
Organics is organics but I'm not buying all the jugs of fluids. That's an exploitation. I re-read what I wrote and stand behind it. Nowhere else in horticulture do you see such nonsense. Bottled ferts, brewers, spikes... gimme a break. If it was so good every horticulturist would be pounding the door down to use it. But they clearly are not. These companies are in business strictly to sell susceptible stoners by laying out stoner science. It's sad.

BTW, I've read the book.

Spliff, Organic inside makes just as much sense as outside. 5-7 gallons of soil and you're rocking. You can do no-till in as little as 5 gallons. See Gastanastan's grows. One generation after another in the same no-till soil, all grown completely indoor under lights. Have no fear about indoor organics.
It's sad that this thread is getting 1 start out of 5. I had high hopes for this thread, got hijacked by haters and off topics. I'm personally in the works of cooking revs 2.0 soil and soon will be starting my first TLO style grow along with super soil.
i recommended for anyone interested in the rev to get his special edition skunk magazines I believe there is three or four of them, all have great information and goes in depth into his style and organics, also rev seems like a really cool guy that's into organic.. Once again if your interested in my future grow check my sig. Ill post back in this thread too show some pictures and give out some thoughts of TLO and the rev. On a side note, I recently took a road trip to Oregon and purchased some dank TLO grown skunk, and by god it's serious some of the dankest herb I ever smoked!!!!! Never thought I would ever say the best herb I ever smoked came from else where that isn't California!!! Lol:peace:

I'm sure there's a lot of truth to what these people are saying. Stay active in the thread and ride out it out. We all will learn. I have the 2.0 cooking and I'm going to run it. It's my starting point, when I'm smoking my TLO buds then I will be able to look at making improvements. the Rev is working on improving his system also, I'm sure.
We actually contributed to this thread out a lot more than you did, if you want to be a wise ass. It's a shame you can't grow the dankest weed you ever smoked, instead you stoop to buying it. Good luck on whatever your trying to achieve, but calling us haters and off topics aint going to get you anywhere. So just keep reading our posts, and take notes!

Lol ok..
I've been in this thread always reading every single post. Good info in here, just feel that it be a lot better if it was strictly for TLO. Dont get me wrong, Nothing wrong with asking questions regaurding ph and , or other organic related questions. I just prefer to see questions or advise that's are strictly for TLO.

I would post but seems like too much hate going On and your a good example. "It's a shame you can't grow the dankest weed you ever smoked, instead you stoop to buying it." Lol seriously??!?
Organics is organics but I'm not buying all the jugs of fluids. That's an exploitation. I re-read what I wrote and stand behind it. Nowhere else in horticulture do you see such nonsense. Bottled ferts, brewers, spikes... gimme a break. If it was so good every horticulturist would be pounding the door down to use it. But they clearly are not. These companies are in business strictly to sell susceptible stoners by laying out stoner science. It's sad.

BTW, I've read the book.

Spliff, Organic inside makes just as much sense as outside. 5-7 gallons of soil and you're rocking. You can do no-till in as little as 5 gallons. See Gastanastan's grows. One generation after another in the same no-till soil, all grown completely indoor under lights. Have no fear about indoor organics.

Agree with soup style grow (as rev puts it) but as for spiking and layers like revs TLO style, well it is a common practice in horticulture, if you really want I will dedicate some time in finding articles for you, but I'm sure if u had time to read the book and take a shit, u can find examples for yourself.

At first I was like wtf! Spiking! But after giving it much thought (especially on mushrooms) I realized that spiking does happen in nature, when a animal dies or tree or plant falls, or bird shits, trchniqully it's spiking? Think about ( on mushrooms)
I'm sure there's a lot of truth to what these people are saying. Stay active in the thread and ride out it out. We all will learn. I have the 2.0 cooking and I'm going to run it. It's my starting point, when I'm smoking my TLO buds then I will be able to look at making improvements. the Rev is working on improving his system also, I'm sure.

Word, did u follow his 2 gallon recipe or made it larger? Did u add anything else? Worm casting or compost? I added both
My friend, spiking and layering are not part of commercial horticulture at all. A great deal of TLO isn't done or followed by commercial horticulture. I'm afraid these ingredients and techniques are restricted to the weed forums... Don't bother looking it up on my behalf. I have several contacts at the U of MI Soil Science department, as well as the Oregon Tilth. These guys and gals are at THE cutting edge of soil science and research.

Again, I read Rev's book.

Look, we're all growing weed, and if someone wants to follow ED, SubCool, The Rev, etc, that's just dandy. You'll enjoy your weed in any event. I'll bow out, as I've said my piece and I'd only be repeating myself, and this is the TLO thread, and I'll respect that.

The soil is cooking. I made a double batch of the recipe. I will use 3-gallon smart pots and blumats (haven't tried yet)
My friend, spiking and layering are not part of commercial horticulture at all. A great deal of TLO isn't done or followed by commercial horticulture. I'm afraid these ingredients and techniques are restricted to the weed forums... Don't bother looking it up on my behalf. I have several contacts at the U of MI Soil Science department, as well as the Oregon Tilth. These guys and gals are at THE cutting edge of soil science and research.

Again, I read Rev's book.

Look, we're all growing weed, and if someone wants to follow ED, SubCool, The Rev, etc, that's just dandy. You'll enjoy your weed in any event. I'll bow out, as I've said my piece and I'd only be repeating myself, and this is the TLO thread, and I'll respect that.


I think you have a ton of input and I think it's relevant.