Living soil+Blumats=Blazin is Lazin


Well-Known Member
thought I'd post up my new cycle instead of putting it in my other journal. Not really pheno hunting this round, got my five keepers from before last round they are all cannarado gear 2 phenos of sundae driver bx, 2 phenos of doho x pixy styx and 1 pheno of one night stand that I put in 3 gal containers three of which are huge and the other two are a decent size(both dohos)
Also have six plants from my last rounds pheno hunt that i thought deserved a second look, 2 phenos of skunky margy (2 gal) and 1 doho x thin mints(2 gal),1 doho x wedding cake(1 gal),gelato margy(1gal) all from cannarado and 1 cherry garseeya(2gal) from ethos
ill post up some pics hopefully later today.
but like the title says, since i got the blumats blazins been lazin
didn't realize how much time they were going to save not to mention the plants grow so much better
once you find the goldilocks zone they just do thier thing. For me they have pretty much been set and forget
once you go mat you'll never go back
well here's a few real shitty
hard to get pics as there's no room in my tent:weed:. Big ones are almost 4 weeks and there a couple smaller ones in the middle that are 2 weeks

some stalk and root porn anyone?
and that good but it's something
this is my 2 gallon plant its medium sized



sorry for the shitty pics, I'm terrible at taking pictures and I'm just using my phone
sweet my first subscriber:bigjoint::peace:
you ever grow any cannarado gear or ethos?just tried a couple from ethos last round for the first time. It's all canarado gear except the one cherry garseeyaa from ethos.
I have not tried either - Sounds bomb! I just saw the Compound HQ is running their Ethos if I'm not mistaken and they threw some monsters
I have not tried either - Sounds bomb! I just saw the Compound HQ is running their Ethos if I'm not mistaken and they threw some monsters
had no idea what compound hq was, then i just happened to stumble upon the thread by accident, WOW what a operation that is..pretty awesome , saw some of the nice ethos gear he is running, they look real nice
little update around 4 1/2 weeks for most and then two small ones are two weeks behind them.

noticed a little N def on one plant so when i top dressed i put some veg topdress with the flower topdress which seems to have stopped the N def but now its showing some K def. Also one other plants is starting to show some P def in its older fans, top dressed that one with more power bloom yesterday so hopefully it helps.
and a few of my plants are pretty close to the light so they are getting a little bit paler up near the tops of the plants, seems alot more pronounced when the hps are on, can't really tell with the pics as they were taken before lights came on.
other than those small issues everything is moving along nicely
it's pretty tight in there so its hard to get good pics
