Living soil

1 bale peat moss (7.5cuft expanded)
2 bags perlite (8cuft)
4 cuft highest quality compost available

per 1cuft base

- 1/2 cup Crab/Kelp/Neem meals (the trinity)
- 4 cups Basalt or 3 cups Basalt+1cup GRD

Use Dolomite Lime appropriately for buffer.

top dress with the trinity every 2-4 weeks, depending on plant size/age. Replace Neem Meal with Karanja Meal during flower.

If your water is as heavily calcified as mine..

Same base mix as above.

Per 1cuft base

- 1/2 cup Neem and Kelp meals. Replace Crab Meal with Dr Earth 4-4-4, or something equivalent like Gaia. In flower, replace 4-4-4 with a flower equivalent. Gaia bloom seems good, I use G&M 4-6-4 personally. The point is no Ca content from Crab Meal.
- 4 cups Basalt or 3 cups Basalt+1cup GRD

No need for lime, as if your water is as calcified with calcium carbonate as mine the water will buffer the pH.

As with above, top dress with the trinity every 2-4 weeks, depending on plant size/age. Replace Neem Meal with Karanja Meal during flower.

Simple, affordable, effective.