Loads of general questions


Well-Known Member
ok well i have a few general questions that i get confused about. i do do lots of reasearch but theres so much information out there its hard to keep track of it all... well i am getting ppp and aurara indica seeds and i plan to grow and clone them. i have had grown three plants before to flowering but they ended up all being males :-(. they were just bag seeds but they still looked and smelled good. right now i got my last bag seed sprouting and growing under a 100 watt cfl in organic soil. im only growing these seeds to get experience by learning.... sorry, now on to my quetions.

i plan to grow in soil so...

1. which is a good specific brand/type of soil to use? i dont really wanna make my own.
2. which affordable lights do i use to flower w/o compromising too much yield? MH? HID? HPS?
3. does anyone have a source of affordable indoor grow boxes like a website? again affordable cuz im poor kinda. haha
4.when should i start adding nutes?
5.How often?
6.Exactly which kind (brand/type) is best?
7.Whats a good watering schedule?

I know after all these questions it might seem like i know nothing but i just want everything to be right. Like hunter s. thompson said... "anything thats worth doing is worth doing right". thanks in advanced for all your help.

oh just a side note... how hard or easy are my strains to grow.


Active Member
1. I think most soil growers would recommend FoxFarm
2. HPS for flowering (imho)
3. No
4. 3 weeks old
5. Once a week
6. Thousands of nutes out there to rate which is 'best'
7. Whenever the soil feels after sticking your finger 2 inches down into the dirt

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
thanks guys. yeah i hear alot of good things about Fox Farm. right now im using MG organic. seems ok for now. plant is thriving. i cant wait to get a harvest under my belt already. but i will be getting fox farm. there is a hydro store near by that sells it. maybe ill do a grow journal with my ppp and aurara indica. again... no one knows anything about the difficulty?


Well-Known Member
Pro Mix Organic, find it near you with the link. $7.99 a bag and I don't see how you could find anything better. FoxFarms is popular but it's $20 a bag. I should try the 2 together sometime but I'm happy with Pro-Mix and that used to be all that was talked about.


just did the link and there is no one who sells that by me... guess ill do fox farm ocean forest. thanks for the link though


Well-Known Member
Maybe next time define affordable. One man's trash and all that jazz.
I mean, is 100 bux a lot, or $1000? (Not really, but sorta)