Local dispensary owner shoots a man


Well-Known Member
the two exchanged words and the owner shot the other man in the abdomen with the shotgun. The man was unarmed.

^^^^^%$#@^ idiots

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
I can't see shooting hard done by people. If anything offer them a job so they can get some honest bucks. Between what's legal and what's honest, honest is good enough for me. If they don't wanna work for some good wages...then shoot them:) IMO this dispensary looks shady and "like" ratty. I would never go do business with some dude weilding a shot gun. If he's runnin a legit biz and is robbed or threatened most stores call the police. IMO he used excessive force. The store owner also displayed poor judgement by discharging his shotgun in a public place or an area where the public is known to frequent thereby endangering the public. The shot gun should be replaced by using a building that is apropriate and has proper security levels. And "like" any normal business a safe(s) or vault(s) would be used to safeguard valuables. Some exchange banks use security doors and only allow one customer through at a time ie.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
ie of employment. Say the guy(criminal) drove the bookmobile but only got "like" four days a month. Which was really pissing off his grandmother. The store owner could do everyone a favour and turn the bookmobile into the book/budmobile thereby doubling this guys wages...or more.