Location ?

Which will stink less into the alley?

  • Shed Room (8'x8')

    Votes: 3 100.0%
  • Garage Room (5'x2.5')

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
Hello everybody. Im new to the forum.... anyways ill get right down to the point. Im a first time grower and I am picking out my location. Would either of these be prime? the "?" are the places im curious about.... the bigger "? possible location" is about a 8'x8' room located inside the shed.
the smaller "? possible location" is about a 5'x2.5' room located inside the garage.

red marks are doors. so you see you must go into 2 doors to get into either location....
yellow mark is window.

what one is more prime?

but my main concern is since the ALLEY is right outside of the both buildings.... do you think people that walk by will be able to smell it????????:-?



Well-Known Member
both areas are large enough if you were growing 5 or more, you better think about an exhaust, a filtered one at that, smaller yields you may squeak by without one. but especially, come drying time the place will have a strong pot odor


Well-Known Member
you could use the indoor space for mothers and clones, and outside for flowering since it's bigger!


Well-Known Member
if i didnt have a filtered exhaust system to get rid of the smell.... would you be able to smell it by the alley? thats all im concerned about. like idc about the people that would go in the garage or shed because they are cool with it. but the people walking by the alley.


Well-Known Member
or a room ionizer, these are both cheap ways to mask it. I can't guarantee it won't smell it may, seal the window real well, better yet block it over from the inside too so no light escapes. people may get curious over 18/6 cycles!
with a fan going 24/7 it should keep the smell at bay. Mine are in a basement closet. when I run the fan ( I only have one, a box fan on the floor), there is no smell, but at nite when I shut it down to build up my co2 setup it builds up an odor, that I can definitely detect come morning. so yeah you may need something down the road, just not right now.


Well-Known Member
you could always plant a 'smelly' flower around the outside of the shed to mask the pot smell. Hyacynths, lillies, etc, mint works real well


Well-Known Member
you will need some type of odor control

without odor control, you will get busted....well in my opinion you will. cuz once someone complains about a strong odor/smell...the heat is turned up.


Well-Known Member
try a charcoal filter running thru a squirrel fan mounted in the ceiling, that is pretty good for starters.


Well-Known Member
ok so will someone explain how to use a charcoal filter? I understand how to make it, but like do you hook it up to a fan or what? who has some good pictures or details on this?


Well-Known Member
yes you hook it up with a fan. i would suggest you put it on the end of your exhaust. that way, when you are exhausting all of your HOT, stinky air, it is filtered thru the carbon filter first and expelled from your grow room/area