Lockdowns didn't work.

Invermectin is not for covid, neither the human or horse one. Inhaling Lysol or shining a light will also not help with covid, regardless of what Trump said. Don't like lockdowns, easiest thing you can do to hopefully prevent it from happening again is wear a mask. Want to protect yourself, wear a mask and get vaccinated.
I’ve heard good things about demon sperm.

People should not use medicine that is meant for animals, do not use veterinary medicine that is not meant for humans. If you are going to use medication of any kind, you should follow advice from an actual medical professional. I can't believe that needs to be stressed, but it does.

No one is gung ho about lockdowns, go hit the beach and relax for a minute.
I'm confusing nothing. A preponderance of evidence leads to my conclusion. Even the article in nature (budley linked) alludes to that but stops short of admitting it while swearing up and down that lockdowns reduced transmission of covid.

Even the studies which were conducted in order to actually measure the cost of lockdowns, like the John's Hopkins economic study, clearly state that a measureable, albeit tiny, reduction of transmission was proven.

If you thought I disagreed with the fact that the measures did in fact reduce transmission of the virus then you are the one who is confused. And if you don't know what I am arguing, why are you trying so hard to convince me that I am wrong?
God didn't answer, huh? If God can't convince you then I have no chance.

Good bye old friend, enjoy your zombie argument. Maybe God will make your confused need for certainty a reality. I can't.
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This thread is about Covid, and that was what I was referring to. I don't know if it made it to Canada but the anti-science anti-vax, anti democracy US Maga crowd believed without proof that Ivermectin was the answer for treating people who came down with chronic Covid. In retrospect, the data shows it did not. If you weren't aware of all that nonsense, I'm envious.

No insult intended to the Canadian contributors to this forum, I like many just fine. However Canada has little importance to me. I did enjoy the time your PM cucked Trump with Melania on the world stage and felt a bit ashamed when our right wingers subsidized that Trucker protest a while back that created havoc. I probably buy Canadian timber every now and then. And I once watched a hockey game with, what's their name? The Birch Trees? It was a good game. Your boyz played really good and were gracious when they lost. Otherwise, Canada has no mind share with me. Let me guess the name of your capital -- Calgary?

lulz, it's just not important to me so I don't care enough to know.
Canada has the anti-science, anti-vax, anti-democracy crowd as well. This sounds as stupid as it was, some were wearing MAGA hats - as Canadians. You may have a lot more of the stupids, but Canada has some real special ones. LOL
They consider parasites to be a third world problem too, but every single American is walking around with some kind of worms crawling around, or dormant cyst full of eggs, waiting years to hatch out. 50% of people are infected with brain altering toxoplasma cat shit parasites, that are proven to alter the way people think, and even increase their chances of car crashes, etc.

Anyway, to the point..

I wonder how many people that took human prescribed ivermectin pills, or even slurped down some apple flavored horse paste (I got the white kind, just incase, cheaper than pills, lol) unknowingly cured their unknown parasitic infections, thinking they were fighting against the common corona viruses that probably don't even exist.
I've been seeing some crazy reports about ivermectin being super toxic. Saying its so bad that when mosquitos bite you and suck blood, they fly off and die. This is coming from right wing alternative news sources too, ones most you guys here wouldn't click on with a ten foot mouse. Lol! Maybe its a reverse psychology thing going on, to get you guys to tell us it isn't that bad..
This thread is about Covid, and that was what I was referring to. I don't know if it made it to Canada but the anti-science anti-vax, anti democracy US Maga crowd believed without proof that Ivermectin was the answer for treating people who came down with chronic Covid. In retrospect, the data shows it did not. If you weren't aware of all that nonsense, I'm envious.

No insult intended to the Canadian contributors to this forum, I like many just fine. However Canada has little importance to me. I did enjoy the time your PM cucked Trump with Melania on the world stage and felt a bit ashamed when our right wingers subsidized that Trucker protest a while back that created havoc. I probably buy Canadian timber every now and then. And I once watched a hockey game with, what's their name? The Birch Trees? It was a good game. Your boyz played really good and were gracious when they lost. Otherwise, Canada has no mind share with me. Let me guess the name of your capital -- Calgary?

lulz, it's just not important to me so I don't care enough to know.
If you think naming a professional sports team after a plant, or part of a plant is stupid wait till you hear this; the Canadian Football League once had ten teams and two of them were named “Rough Riders”.
weekly thread reminder for the tos i dont care about your political opinions asa mod but i do care when you starting name calling, being argumentative with eachother derailing the thread with personal fighting etc
People should not use medicine that is meant for animals, do not use veterinary medicine that is not meant for humans. If you are going to use medication of any kind, you should follow advice from an actual medical professional. I can't believe that needs to be stressed, but it does.
And what of the people who were prescribed Ivermectin for humans by a medical professional to prevent covid? Should that medical professional be immediately disregarded, because they are operating outside of the medical consensus by prescribing off-label medications? If that's your assessment, then what is the point of even talking to a medical professional?
And what of the people who were prescribed Ivermectin for humans by a medical professional to prevent covid? Should that medical professional be immediately disregarded, because they are operating outside of the medical consensus by prescribing off-label medications? If that's your assessment, then what is the point of even talking to a medical professional?
I don't have the knowledge or authority to speak about what a medical professional should or should not be able to do. That should be a conversation between that medical professional and the governing authority they are licensed through. The governing authority will have the knowledge to keep people safe and hopefully prevent medical professionals from abusing their positions when dealing with the public wouldn't know any better.
I don't have the knowledge or authority to speak about what a medical professional should or should not be able to do. That should be a conversation between that medical professional and the governing authority they are licensed through. The governing authority will have the knowledge to keep people safe and hopefully prevent medical professionals from abusing their positions when dealing with the public wouldn't know any better.
So, then you support a person's decision to take Ivermectin for covid, when advised to do so by their doctor?