Lockdowns work.

Good point, I had noticed your tendency to follow me from thread to thread in desperate attempts to derail discussions and talk about personal shit.

You're not just unintersting. You seem to dislike when something is interesting.
You seem in a better mood today? Good, it was getting worrisome for everyone here.
The devastating consequences of coronavirus lockdowns in poor countries
How can lockdowns cause more harm in poor countries than rich ones? When almost everyone works in an informal economy and needs to work every day to put food on the table — the situation in some of the poorest countries — calling a halt to economic activity can get rapidly disastrous. When states have limited budgets and capacity to support their locked-down population, lockdowns can result in widespread starvation and rampant disobedience and unrest.
View attachment 4537300Florida beaches open for business........MAGA.
Good for them, looks like law enforcement there is starting to loosen up a bit and allow for people to believe what they want to believe, and that a faked pandemic is entirely possible, and if it's a statement coming right from POTUS mouth calling this a hoax, that people aren't going to be willing to forget that message that he spoke, and that we have a right to embrace our American spirit in the middle of a time of crisis, and patience to allow for a 'wrong' to be endured so to speak, it's an awakening moment for everyone involved, and the people who have been put in place to uphold the law are still able to see the tyranny behind this pandemic lockdown, and that they the police-national guard, etc are able to still reflect on themselves as human beings, and notice that things aren't going the way they are supposed to in order to keep the human family healthy, and that blood might be on their hands if they are wrong, so it's nice to see others questioning that which controls us and or that which controls of from above, and that Human authority doesn't always lead to a positive impact on society, and that using our minds collectively as human beings is the only true way to uncover truth.

People are seeing that worldwide numbers are inflated, just look at China (lying again) recently increasing their death toll numbers by 50% that's a clear sign to me that someone is loosing their stronghold over people's thoughts, and is more than likely an attempt to keep those who do believe the virus is real attached to the fear that was first generated from out of China, which we all must understand is a nation that we cannot trust!

Don't trust China folks! We don't take our orders from foreigners here in America, and China is the least nation we should be placing even a single drop of our trust into, we are talking about a country that allowed for totalitarian communistic control back in 1958 in which was named "Great Leap Forward" which lead to inhumane treatment of its own citizens, and the deaths of close to 35-40 million Chinese men, women and children, and a loss of life through non births has been statistically estimated to be around 30 million by itself alone, these are the people behind one of the greatest human life die offs (genocide) in modern history, and we are supposed to just blindly accept their BS fear inertia over a virus scare that has clues left in its wake that it isn't as serious or may not even exist in the first place?

If you're an American, listen to me folks, do NOT TRUST CHINA OR WHO! China owns the who, and the entire internet, they can broadcast what ever information over to you that they see fit, and honestly folks your life and your families lives and health are clearly of ZERO importance to these overseas agents who are spreading lies, never forget the great leap forward and the famine that lead to the largest Human die off due to human enforcement of medieval laws that caused the sacrifice of its own people's, and the torture of millions before they died as well.

Don't go believing that what we are being told is within our best interest, as famine is a very real danger and it is knocking on America's door right now, Famine and malnutrition are coming to a city near you everyone, stay strong and do what you have to in order to preserve and protect yourself, as something more Evil than this 'virus' seems to be brewing and even war is not out of the question.... just a heads up from a fellow American, and for those in other countries, I alert you to be aware of what us Americans are saying, accept that people are seeing that something isn't lining up correctly with this whole virus scare plot, and please be open minded to question what the local or world news is feeding you, your consciousness is in danger, so please be aware and willing to work together consciously in so that we may have a future and live in a world where we aren't just being fed lies 24/7 we all owe it to each other to wake up and stand up for that which pushes humanity in a direction that slows the process for the greater good of all humans, and the value of each of our lives as individuals.

We have to look at those who have been put in power behind the scenes like Bill Gates and others who've been caught as being associates of Jeffery Epstein and others who support child abuse rings, child sacrifice, and torture of innocent human beings. I'm not kidding when I say that these children aren't just sacrificed, but have slits made from head to toe down their entire bodies (while alive, no pain killers ) and their entire epidermis of skin removed from their bodies, blood drained, and then a drug is extracted from their blood afterwards and the children are also eaten alive, I'm not kidding the worst Evil imaginable and these people want you to trust them that these covid test kits are real and that a vaccination of all of society is necessary for the future of humanity? I don't think so, and I am simply putting this down for the record, as I'm here to bring realism to this forum, and I am here to seek the truth and share it with others even if it places my own life in jeopardy, I'm not going to stand down when I know innocent children are being murdered, and that this virus is part of a grand deception of the masses while the elites laugh in our faces at what's headed our way in terms of war and famine, and the truth behind this mass mind control of the common man and woman worldwide. The picture is much larger than most are willing to accept, and most people are not able to comprehend such an evil action being placed over top of them, most cannot believe that such evil does exist and they cannot fathom such a massive worldwide blackswan agenda being placed in front of them, but the truth is that until we are able to visualise this genuine Evil that is existing in our world today, then these types of crises will remain as an impediment barrier to block us all from finding truth and higher collective consciousness as a human family as a united wholeness upon the Earth.

Thank You for allowing me to share my opinion, be wise my friends, peace and love everyone.
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Good for them, looks like law enforcement there is starting to loosen up a bit and allow for people to believe what they want to believe, and that a faked pandemic is entirely possible, and if it's a statement coming right from POTUS mouth calling this a hoax, that people aren't going to be willing to forget that message that he spoke, and that we have a right to embrace our American spirit in the middle of a time of crisis, and patience to allow for a 'wrong' to be endured so to speak, it's an awakening moment for everyone involved, and the people who have been put in place to uphold the law are still able to see the tyranny behind this pandemic lockdown, and that they the police-national guard, etc are able to still reflect on themselves as human beings, and notice that things aren't going the way they are supposed to in order to keep the human family healthy, and that blood might be on their hands if they are wrong, so it's nice to see others questioning that which controls us and or that which controls of from above, and that Human authority doesn't always lead to a positive impact on society, and that using our minds collectively as human beings is the only true way to uncover truth.

People are seeing that worldwide numbers are inflated, just look at China (lying again) recently increasing their death toll numbers by 50% that's a clear sign to me that someone is loosing their stronghold over people's thoughts, and is more than likely an attempt to keep those who do believe the virus is real attached to the fear that was first generated from out of China, which we all must understand is a nation that we cannot trust!

Don't trust China folks! We don't take our orders from foreigners here in America, and China is the least nation we should be placing even a single drop of our trust into, we are talking about a country that allowed for totalitarian communistic control back in 1958 in which was named "Great Leap Forward" which lead to inhumane treatment of its own citizens, and the deaths of close to 35-40 million Chinese men, women and children, and a loss of life through non births has been statistically estimated to be around 30 million by itself alone, these are the people behind one of the greatest human life die offs (genocide) in modern history, and we are supposed to just blindly accept their BS fear inertia over a virus scare that has clues left in its wake that it isn't as serious or may not even exist in the first place?

If you're an American, listen to me folks, do NOT TRUST CHINA OR WHO! China owns the who, and the entire internet, they can broadcast what ever information over to you that they see fit, and honestly folks your life and your families lives and health are clearly of ZERO importance to these overseas agents who are spreading lies, never forget the great leap forward and the famine that lead to the largest Human die off due to human enforcement of medieval laws that caused the sacrifice of its own people's, and the torture of millions before they died as well.

Don't go believing that what we are being told is within our best interest, as famine is a very real danger and it is knocking on America's door right now, Famine and malnutrition are coming to a city near you everyone, stay strong and do what you have to in order to preserve and protect yourself, as something more Evil than this 'virus' seems to be brewing and even war is not out of the question.... just a heads up from a fellow American, and for those in other countries, I alert you to be aware of what us Americans are saying, accept that people are seeing that something isn't lining up correctly with this whole virus scare plot, and please be open minded to question what the local or world news is feeding you, your consciousness is in danger, so please be aware and willing to work together consciously in so that we may have a future and live in a world where we aren't just being fed lies 24/7 we all owe it to each other to wake up and stand up for that which pushes humanity in a direction that slows the process for the greater good of all humans, and the value of each of our lives as individuals.

We have to look at those who have been put in power behind the scenes like Bill Gates and others who've been caught as being associates of Jeffery Epstein and others who support child abuse rings, child sacrifice, and torture of innocent human beings. I'm not kidding when I say that these children aren't just sacrificed, but have slits made from head to toe down their entire bodies (while alive, no pain killers ) and their entire epidermis of skin removed from their bodies, blood drained, and then a drug is extracted from their blood afterwards and the children are also eaten alive, I'm not kidding the worst Evil imaginable and these people want you to trust them that these covid test kits are real and that a vaccination of all of society is necessary for the future of humanity? I don't think so, and I am simply putting this down for the record, as I'm here to bring realism to this forum, and I am here to seek the truth and share it with others even if it places my own life in jeopardy, I'm not going to stand down when I know innocent children are being murdered, and that this virus is part of a grand deception of the masses while the elites laugh in our faces at what's headed our way in terms of war and famine, and the truth behind this mass mind control of the common man and woman worldwide. The picture is much larger than most are willing to accept, and most people are not able to comprehend such an evil action being placed over top of them, most cannot believe that such evil does exist and they cannot fathom such a massive worldwide blackswan agenda being placed in front of them, but the truth is that until we are able to visualise this genuine Evil that is existing in our world today, then these types of crises will remain as an impediment barrier to block us all from finding truth and higher collective consciousness as a human family as a united wholeness upon the Earth.

Thank You for allowing me to share my opinion, be wise my friends, peace and love everyone.
I heard baby’s born in 2020 will be called “Coronians”
There are 3 pregnant nurses at my job. One is stressed out big time. She will have to deliver with only the doctor . No one else is allowed in the room. She even told me she feels like killing her baby by alcohol poisoning. I keep an eye on her, she never struck me as a heavy drinker.
It's the best and only option we have thanks to Trump's incompetence.
I just checked and lockdowns are still working.


The graphic (shown above) doesn't include areas that aren't locked down.

4/18/20 Local comparison:
Oregon -- locked down; Idaho -- Ostrich strategy

Total cases per million population
Oregon: 437
Idaho: 981

total deaths per million population
Oregon: 17
Idaho: 25