Lockdowns work.

Rapid testing....... ya right lol. Just saw a TO line up that was 3.5 blocks long. Not sure about here but I think it’s by appointment only and two days wait.
No testing, no contact tracing = lockdown in an outbreak during winter in Canada. The government might have to cough up 3 months cash to bridge some folks over. Your girl friend running such a business in such conditions is too risky, masks and have a clear plastic hood drop over the chair with slits for her arms and an negative pressure blower hooked onto a six inch hose vented to the outside and not onto the street either! That's for your protection! :lol: Get busy on that acrylic box, other shit you can scrounge from work! :lol:
No testing, no contact tracing = lockdown in an outbreak during winter in Canada. The government might have to cough up 3 months cash to bridge some folks over. Your girl friend running such a business in such conditions is too risky, masks and have a clear plastic hood drop over the chair with slits for her arms and an negative pressure blower hooked onto a six inch hose vented to the outside and not onto the street either! That's for your protection! :lol: Get busy on that acrylic box, other shit you can scrounge from work! :lol:
Actually they are amazingly safe there but yup there is still very close contact. They do what they can, everyone is screened, temp taken, masks gloves and shields. Our health unit has 18 positives today and 9 yesterday so very low for the population of around 150,000 but that changes rapidly when people start traveling :(.
Rapid testing....... ya right lol. Just saw a TO line up that was 3.5 blocks long. Not sure about here but I think it’s by appointment only and two days wait.
The Ontario government fucked up the flu shot for fuck sakes. What do you think will happen with covid vaccines and rapid tests?

Canadians better be prepared to hunker down for at least another 6 months cause we’re not going to see anything substantial in the way of vaccines until well into the summer.
They "work" but are incredible archaic. We need to balance freedoms and the potential for government to abuse it with fighting the virus. I am all for mask mandates and certain restrictions, but lockdowns is an easy street for government to abuse it. Not to mention most people dont have 500 in savings to even hold the fort down if they were to be laid off. Yes, they might work, but we need to implement less invasive measures first before jumping to just shutting everything down. We need to find a fucking balance for godsakes.
Rapid testing....... ya right lol. Just saw a TO line up that was 3.5 blocks long. Not sure about here but I think it’s by appointment only and two days wait.

and if you had a choice on points? how many? a nice pic would do..too bad you can't mashup your face and the horns like @BobBitchen does with the dog..that has to be one of the coolest avi's ever.
The covid problem is the quarantine hotels with Australians still coming back from over seas. Perhaps we need to start using remote desert locations.

The Ontario government fucked up the flu shot for fuck sakes. What do you think will happen with covid vaccines and rapid tests?

Canadians better be prepared to hunker down for at least another 6 months cause we’re not going to see anything substantial in the way of vaccines until well into the summer.
That Trudeau minority government will have some very fucking uncomfortable questions to answer by March and before that. Trudeau has a minority government and an inquiry will want to know why and who fucked up, under oath. If we don't have vaccine distribution by the end of January, I a liberal party member, will be ready to burn Justin at the stake on parliament hill in front of the peace fountain
The Ontario government fucked up the flu shot for fuck sakes. What do you think will happen with covid vaccines and rapid tests?

Canadians better be prepared to hunker down for at least another 6 months cause we’re not going to see anything substantial in the way of vaccines until well into the summer.
I'll put it another way, if there is no vaccine distribution by February, there will be a nonconfidence vote in the house of Commons and we might have a new PM and party running the government.
England and America will be the worlds test cases for the non peer reviewed Vaccine. Not sure id be having a rushed Vaccine.
What about you?

Normal procedures were "telescoped", not ignored, meaning phase 1 clinical trials were on going when phase 2 trials began and phase 3 clinical trials were begun even before the data from phase 1 trials was compiled. Normally these phases are done in sequence, but they were collapsed, no corners were cut, but risks were taken with informed volunteers. A million new cases in America in the past 6 days and over 3100 deaths daily, so the risks are justified and with mRNA vaccines minimized, they are very specific and you are not messing with another organisms genome like with many traditional vaccines.

If Australia is covid free as is NZ, so wait awhile by all means, but if you want to reopen your economy with international trade and exchange again...
Normal procedures were "telescoped", not ignored, meaning phase 1 clinical trials were on going when phase 2 trials began and phase 3 clinical trials were begun even before the data from phase 1 trials was compiled. Normally these phases are done in sequence, but they were collapsed, no corners were cut, but risks were taken with informed volunteers. A million new cases in America in the past 6 days and over 3100 deaths daily, so the risks are justified and with mRNA vaccines minimized, they are very specific and you are not messing with another organisms genome like with many traditional vaccines.

If Australia is covid free as is NZ, so wait awhile by all means, but if you want to reopen your economy with international trade and exchange again...
Australia and NZ are not Covid free.

The vaccines have not been peer reviewed. Its being rushed thru and given special treatment. It could well be more dangerous than the virus itself.
Australia and NZ are not Covid free.

The vaccines have not been peer reviewed. Its being rushed thru and given special treatment. It could well be more dangerous than the virus itself.
There is no evidence of this or even a theoretical frame work it could fall into with mRNA vaccines, it is an unfounded fear. Sure they are exercising an abundance of caution, we are dealing with human lives, but we are no flying blind here, this is a well understood subject. There are more risks involved with other vaccine approaches using organisms like virus to do the job, but the m RNA vaccines are in another category. They didn't just develop this vaccine, or some of the others, that was done in the spring a mere weeks after the genome was obtained, animal studies preceded human trials, safety trials and clinical trials. The time frame was compressed, but professional standards were observed and followed, there would be more experts urging caution if there were known or suspected issues. What else is a mRNA strand going to code for other than what it was programmed to do, because that is what we are dealing with here, an analog to computer code, not a dead or weakened virus and not a gene inserted into an adenovirus genome. We are talking about a messenger RNA stand encapsulated and stabilized by a liposome (fat bubble), the MRNA is absorbed by muscle cells and they start producing spike proteins, the mRNA cannot cause cellular mutations or produce proteins that it wasn't programed for.