Lockdowns work.

Yeah, Sweden has something like 80% of the population remaining to be exposed. As of today, they have 217 dead per million population. The US probably has fewer exposed and 166 dead per million population. So, good for the US to keep the number of dead down.
The conclusions you draw from deaths per million is skewed by the disparity in testing. As of today, the tests conducted per million residents in Sweden is 9,357 and in the US it is 16,527. This proportion entirely explains the difference in deaths attributed to the virus. Those who died had been tested prior and revisions have been made to death counts. Also, you have no way to know which country has been more exposed to the infection.
We are the government and we rule and we are coming for you toys. The government is the community and you are a mere individual, the collective wins, it always does. Claymore mines and handgrenades are "arms" too, so are mortars and you can't own them either. You can't own a full automatic AR-15 and the government can say if you can own a semiautomatic one too.

Only a small fraction of the population owns the vast majority of the guns, a tiny minority...
Maybe in your state but not mine. You can legally own everything you listed except mines. You can own a fully operating tank if you want. You should research a lil more on that. And there are 160 mil legal gun owners way more when you count the illegal ones too. Love it when you guy say your coming for our guns when your too scared to and want someone els with a GUN to do it.
That’s what I’m pissed about. I’ve done my part and isolated in good faith only to have imbeciles out and about making my effort a waste of fucking time. Yes lockdowns work if an actual fucking lockdown.
You seem upset and uninteresting.
And if tested positive do we get to put a bullet between their eyes if they step outside their door?

Seeing as how you're clearly so upset, maybe don't follow me around trying to shadow me with comments about who is upset. It's not very interesting.
Maybe in your state but not mine. You can legally own everything you listed except mines. You can own a fully operating tank if you want. You should research a lil more on that. And there are 160 mil legal gun owners way more when you count the illegal ones too. Love it when you guy say your coming for our guns when your too scared to and want someone els with a GUN to do it.

Three percent of the population own half of the civilian guns in the US

Stephen Paddock stockpiled an arsenal of weapons before committing the deadliest mass shooting in modern US history in Las Vegas. The bloodshed and the scope of Paddock’s weaponry, extreme as it may seem, have returned gun control to the forefront of the US national debate.

Just how common is it for Americans to own multiple guns? And who owns them?

Here is a look at the distribution of gun ownership in America:

Do Americans own a lot of guns?
In both absolute and relative terms, the answer is yes. The US tops the list of countries with the most guns, owning about half the world’s guns while making up only 5% of the world population.

In relative terms, the US has the highest number of guns per capita. There were an estimated 89 to 100 guns for every 100 Americans in 2013–around one firearm per person.


The country with the second highest number per capita is Serbia, at 75.6 guns per 100 people.

How many people own guns in America?
Answering this requires a more nuanced look at the gun ownership. Only a quarter of Americans own guns, according to numbers from General Social Survey and Gallup in 2013. This means that many American gun owners have more than one gun.


How many guns does an average American gun owner possess?
The average American gun owner owns three guns, according to a 2015 survey conducted by Harvard and Northwestern University. More than a half of them own just one or two, whereas 14% of them–7.7 million or 3% of the US population–own anywhere between eight to 140 guns. This 3% of the population owns half of the civilian guns in the US. The police found 47 guns associated with Paddock in three different locations two days after the massacre, which puts him among the 3%.


A note of caution: Gun ownership surveys always contain a degree of inaccuracy. As long as Americans can still legally purchase guns in many states without a permit or license, there doesn’t seem to be a systematic method of tracking the population of US gun owners.
Maybe in your state but not mine. You can legally own everything you listed except mines. You can own a fully operating tank if you want. You should research a lil more on that. And there are 160 mil legal gun owners way more when you count the illegal ones too. Love it when you guy say your coming for our guns when your too scared to and want someone els with a GUN to do it.
exactly how small is your penis

Our resident virus expert says it's only 7. Nothing to worry about per Doc Conflict. No reason to stay inside and lockdown.

Other real Doctors describe this as "concerning" and "very crazy" and "very, very atypical."

And still waiting for Dr Abandon's curriculum vitae to prove he's not trolling us.
You seem upset and uninteresting.

Seeing as how you're clearly so upset, maybe don't follow me around trying to shadow me with comments about who is upset. It's not very interesting.
Wow quoted me 3 times and yet I’m uninteresting? I’m glad, I’d hate to see the interest if I was interesting......thank you for your interest.
I posted two statements by the CDC clearly demonstrating how they collect data and which data are relevant to ascertaining the spread of the disease. I highlighted the relevant lines in those statements and linked the source. I literally proved to you that you are flat out wrong in your claim regarding which fucking curve they're trying to flatten. You tried to truncate and clip it so I posted it again and you clipped it again.

You have cited nothing to back up your obviously very false claim that the spread of the disease is ascertained by tracking deaths. All you have done is to distort and lie.

I'm sure you'll feel like it was worth it when you get your likes on a pot forum while your $1200 from the gov't is enjoyed but that is not proof. What I cited was proof. Yeah, we can keep going. I'm enjoying revealing your bullshit.
So, you want to use an invalid metric that even the CDC isn't referring to to track the progress of this epidemic.

Climate science deniers like to promote that kind of crap too.
The conclusions you draw from deaths per million is skewed by the disparity in testing. As of today, the tests conducted per million residents in Sweden is 9,357 and in the US it is 16,527. This proportion entirely explains the difference in deaths attributed to the virus. Those who died had been tested prior and revisions have been made to death counts. Also, you have no way to know which country has been more exposed to the infection.
Yep, even the count of dead due to this virus is affected by testing.

Yep, Sweden and the US aren't conducting testing in the same way.

So, I advise you to be more consistent when you talk about this issue. Comparing countries isn't very useful. Nor is the number of new cases per day. Maybe when we expand testing the quality of that metric will get better, not now.

Because data are not great, it's best to follow what our medical experts are advising, not the cult of death that you apparently listen to. Medical science experts advise that the US set up a fairly large testing, contact tracing and isolation protocol. That program is taking shape. There is much to do before we will have such a system in place.
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So, you want to use an invalid metric that even the CDC isn't referring to to track the progress of this epidemic.

Climate science deniers like to promote that kind of crap too.
He seems really upset again :(. I’m worried he is not getting enough sun. Maybe the fresh burger thing is really getting to him, poor fella.
America is headed for herd immunity whether you like it or not! You had better hope someone rolls out testing and effective treatments soon, the haphazard nature of the reopening in the south and in the midwest does not look good at all. There is not enough testing, PPE or even an effective treatment deployed. This Canadian is not optimistic, domestic flights in America have never been cheaper and I imagine the planes should be full, most of these states have not been closed down enough. The conversations about lockdowns are becoming moot because they cannot be maintained even in the richest country on earth, it will be worse in developing countries. Some countries have a rational plan for reopening, others do not, those who don't have a plan will suffer greatly both in humanitarian and economic terms. Keep this up and there will be care packages from Canada this winter to keep ya from starving MAGA. These red states are going to fuck you and make restarting the economy impossible, say moow, yer headed for the herd.

You'll need potatoes and beans more than a lawn and you've got the summer to get it done! Join Rob Roy's barter economy...
NIH director (OK, not the CDC director) Francis Collins discussing "the curve":
"If you look at the rates of new cases that are being diagnosed, we’re on an exponential curve,” Collins told me. “That curve, some would say, places us only about eight days behind Italy.
"Right,” Collins told me. “If you look at the curve of new cases being diagnosed over the course of the last month, just look at the curve of what happened in Italy, and then look at our curve in the U.S., and you say if you go back eight days from today, they had about the same number of cases that we have today—that is, slightly over 2,000
It's really lovely when @abandonconflict mocks Buck for grieving his dead grandmother too.
she was on her way out for years now, we’re just happy she went peacefully

I just find the idea that the transmission of covid to her and others like her wouldn’t be mitigated by lockdown measures and quarantines

It’s literally retarded
she was on her way out for years now, we’re just happy she went peacefully

I just find the idea that the transmission of covid to her and others like her wouldn’t be mitigated by lockdown measures and quarantines

It’s literally retarded
Yup it’s a huge deal up here as to how our long term care has become a killing ground due to lax protocol and protection. If only they had lockdown sooner there would be far less death. It’s a criminal investigation now. My ex’s aunt just tested positive at 83 so she’s been handed a death sentence and will die alone. I was reluctant to mention it because some here may use it as a bizarre justification for freedom to sun bathe :(.