locked the ban thread BEFORE the buy fake passports thread

Ugh what did I wake up to?

no shit, i have been snowblowing and plowing the last 12 hours and find this silly kindergarten bullshit?

noone jump ship to another site, this one is fine, occasionally someone has to lay the smackdown to remind us who is in charge, I had 3 infractions since my first days here. big fucking deal.
so lets have some coffee and get ready for 12:12.12pm at my place in Petoskey :-)
It's a little more in-depth than someone just getting an infraction. I'm not bailing, I'll still be around, I just don't agree with the site politics and theres no sense in me being a part of the moderating team here and getting painted in a negative light because of the actions of others. Plus I'm tired of dealing with pricks and taking verbal abuse without being able to tell someone to go fuck themselves without looking like a bad moderator lol.

Time for me to be me and I'm not one to put up with bullshit.

As far as jumping ship, I'm going to hang out with my friends, I didn't make them leave but if they aren't here I'll follow along and hang out there too of course. I still have friends here who wont be at that other site so you'll still see me around, however I don't think I'll be supporting the MI Patient section here so much. I've put a lot of effort trying to keep this a good place, just to have our loyal members let down by the administration here and disrespected at that..

Birds of a feather flock together and for the time being they have migrated south.. I didn't cause it so don't blame me. This could've been fixed yesterday but someone chose to ignore it all instead. I don't get it..
i wanna personally throw a shout out to all on this forum who have given me much insight into many different areas concerning not only growing but being passionate about it. still relatively new to this forum and haven't had a whole lot of interaction with most of you but have been lurking so to speak and following along with quite a few threads here and have appreciated alot of what i've come to learn about alot of you guys or gals in certain cases. i'll be here helping when i can and learning when i can't but i will also see some of you elsewhere.
i been on here since 2008 my old account was hacked so i got to start this one all over and it sucks cause i had a shit ton of green dots by my name lol, but oh well, i dont think she should have to go through the same thing
I would not return.... with that BS excuse. When a breeder of a questionable (legal) plant offers insight on there product, that is a favor, not to be disrespected!