Well-Known Member
bro!! i feel yur pain but first things first!!!!......call a/yur lawyer and get to talkin!!! most likely you'll get it dropped to a misdameanor!!!! it's all bout the prosecutor and if he is bein a bad-ass or not !!
The "pot version" of me would win easily. Why? Because "pot me" would be so "focused" on the fighting cuz pot me is stoned, not due to the fact that it's life or death...Here is a way for pot smokers to realize that pot impairs judgment & slows reflexes.
Imagine there were 2 identical versions of yourself about to fight to the death. One was stoned & the other was straight. Who do you think would win ?
I'm truly surprised with your response. I'm sorta blown away by your answer. In ways I would think the stoner in me would win also but when I was younger I was a boxer. When I used to spar with a little buz on, my trainer would ride me hard because I would be taking shots that normally my reflexes would allow me to bob & weave smoothly away from. When I used to train straight my reflexes were much tighter & took less shots plus on top of that I've always been able to control my adrenaline better when straight over being stoned.The "pot version" of me would win easily. Why? Because "pot me" would be so "focused" on the fighting cuz pot me is stoned, not due to the fact that it's life or death...![]()
"The "pot version" of me would win easily. Why? Because "pot me" would be so "focused" on the fighting cuz pot me is stoned, not due to the fact that it's life or death...I'm truly surprised with your response. I'm sorta blown away by your answer. In ways I would think the stoner in me would win also but when I was younger I was a boxer. When I used to spar with a little buz on, my trainer would ride me hard because I would be taking shots that normally my reflexes would allow me to bob & weave smoothly away from. When I used to train straight my reflexes were much tighter & took less shots plus on top of that I've always been able to control my adrenaline better when straight over being stoned.
I'm off to dreamland. Good night all
really? i have the paper work i got charged with 11 and convicted of 1 that is what the plea bargain is for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!or maybe you have had one of those dick in the ass court appointed attorney cuz that wouldent do nothing for you.. I've been in and out many times so for you to say what happen to me, is Bullshit okay bud? not tr yin to be a dick but maybe u should ask how??? instead of no that's not possible, that last pic is for the Bail.. fyisorry man but I call bullshit on this whole post.Nobody with 11 felony is getting bailed out.And even getting bailed out your plea bargain wouldn't be close to 90 days even with time served.
nice man you definitely proved me wrong.You shouldn't of put your name up there though.really? i have the paper work i got charged with 11 and convicted of 1 that is what the plea bargain is for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!or maybe you have had one of those dick in the ass court appointed attorney cuz that wouldent do nothing for you.. I've been in and out many times so for you to say what happen to me, is Bullshit okay bud? not tr yin to be a dick but maybe u should ask how??? instead of no that's not possible, that last pic is for the Bail.. fyi
if its a low level bullshit charge why would you spend 2500 when a pd could do the same thing for you.If your paying that much he better get it all dropped and not just try and get you a plea bargain.Which they always try and do.A little update. Got myself one of the best drug lawyers around here, gonna cost me 2500 for my criminal case, and another 250 for the traffic court! He says don't worry about it, its a low-level bullshit charge I won't have to do a day
These cops dont give a fuck about you, or how they might affect your life over some bullshit weed charge. And when I checked my brake light after I got out (the "reason" why he pulled me in the first place) it was of course working fine.
These were definitely the most expensive joints I ever didn't get to smoke!!
Wasnt sure where to post this but I needed to vent so here goes... The cops in my town (prov RI) are generally pretty good w us smokers, but I ran into a real asshole cop yesterday. Long story short they pulled me over for a brake light being out, searched my car and found two joints plus a half I had smoked earlier.
They promptly explained to me that marijuana is illegal, possessing it is a crime, therefore I'm a criminal who deserves to go to jail! WTF? plus, since this is my second possession charge they're hitting me w a felony which will severely fuck up my record and chances for a job (two semesters till i graduate with a CIS degree) Had to spend abt 24 hrs in jail with others in for guns, assaults, and home invasion robberies! They wouldn't let me call a justice of the peace to tryin get out early, and even after I bailed out they held me for another 5 hours
Idk what my point is here, just that these cops need to pull their heads out of their asses and realize that locking up us peaceful pot smokers like common criminals and charging us w felonies for possession isn't doing anyone any good. Fuck these nazi cops and this prison industrial complex that they support.
Now im gonna have to spend thousands on lawyers, court costs, and fines i don't have to go to jail. Plus ill get a shitload of probation and community service. On top of that im sure drug counseling will be involved so i can get off these "drugs". This is a bunch of crap nobody should have to deal with bc they like to smoke a few joints!!!!
Now I got it !! lol. I'm not good at picking up sarcasm when I'm about to zonk out. That's a good one. ^5You didn't get the sarcasm?![]()
All of you guys report his post (above) and member. This is just what the world needs less of, ignorant prejudiced racists! Nice going there, u just deserved a report!Obviously you guys are bad drivers if you cant smoke pot while driving. im not talking about super baked but smoking a joint will not effect your driving. ONLY IDIOTS cause accidents(people that dont know to drive) or foreigners(not talking about all) that are just shit at driving in the first place. Driving is not a rocket science. Follow the rules and nothing will happen until you run into idiots. You guys can say all you want. Weed is not alcohol or heroine or some other drug. Its just weed. Yeah if you feel nervous about driving when you smoke then dont but dont think that it impairs you like alcohol because it doesnt. SALVIA is just a dumb drug the government is making money off of. Never affected me and I have seen it do major things to other people smoking it.
This is a waste of effort. Get busted for all I care. I am the dude who calls the cops when I see someone driving impaired so beware. I encourage others to do so also. When one drives f'ed up, everyone pays. Screw the brotha toker bullshit. This guy is beyond hope so all we can do is get the heat on himObviously you guys are bad drivers if you cant smoke pot while driving.
No, we are just responsible. It's not CAN'T, it's WON'T
im not talking about super baked but smoking a joint will not effect your driving.
Is that like .07 instead of .08 BAC ?
Weed is not alcohol or heroine or some other drug. Its just weed.
Do you know how to read? That has been established. I know I don't drink weed.
Yeah if you feel nervous about driving when you smoke then dont but dont think that it impairs you like alcohol because it doesnt.
I don't, even if I feel it doesn't effect me because I know as a responsible adult (I know that is a goal you have yet to achieve) that I still am impaired.
SALVIA is just a dumb drug the government is making money off of. Never affected me and I have seen it do major things to other people smoking it.
This confirms you are waaay out there