The actual light is not the problem mate you can grow good plants with those lights. Im still using one myself, but you can't give an auto just blue light for 8 weeks
Got it will update in a week or 2 I say that because a lot of ppl say the breeder time can be a week or 2more then what they tell on the site .. plus a lot of Trichomes are still clear and pistils are orange not brown with new white pistils growing ...
Got it will update in a week or 2 I say that because a lot of ppl say the breeder time can be a week or 2more then what they tell on the site .. plus a lot of Trichomes are still clear and pistils are orange not brown with new white pistils growing ...
Yea it's true they take a bit longer than advertised. I find you can chop and smoke in the times stated but obviously it's not as good as if you wait longer the buzz will be a racey sort of head tingle type high not very nice. Your already a week past the time given and given all the mistakes it's never going to end well now. My opinion is to flush for a week check trichomes then
Yea it's true they take a bit longer than advertised. I find you can chop and smoke in the times stated but obviously it's not as good as if you wait longer the buzz will be a racey sort of head tingle type high not very nice. Your already a week past the time given and given all the mistakes it's never going to end well now. My opinion is to flush for a week check trichomes then