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The same trolls follow me wherever I go
Why do you think that's so? Do you see me in any of these ass kissers threads???

Logic deserves all the bad things being said about him...because they are true.
Up to you but I've been hearing many people say exactly the same things about Logic for years.
The saying goes!!! Logic wears a pair of balls on his chin thats why he is a chicken avitar the the balls on his chin resembles a chicken.. lolz thats to funny
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I had to stop by and say that I have had the same problem with the same trolls as greentips here and some other sites
This is SuperSilverPurple, the lineage is (dynasty's SSH F4. X Kens GDP).
@tnelz , no amount of name changing, chemical inducement, or whatever you do for Logic...It will not change the fact your piggybacking my genetics.
I'm glad for you that your thread is sucessful, but other than that, what have you actually done other than ask people for freebies.
You should have asked me like a man what I said, instead of being a Logic weasel.View attachment 3531360
Idk who you are at all but you went from buying seeds from this guy and getting ripped off to having shared a plant that was used in his strain?? I have to say did you not create the strain though by using a dynasty and Ken bean?? Even if you had the go ahead from both of them you didn't need it, there's no patenting pot who we are as smokers as a culture goes directly against this idea I see floating around of, that's mine and you can't sell it and profit because I should have instead.. People get bitter, and that's understandable, however I plan to open a company in the industry, I have a four year plan.. My fully worked strains with a couple revolutionary useful gimmicks up my sleeve, will come from... Drum roll.. My immense collection of other breeders work, because it's my plant.. Where do you think some of these clone only strains come from they are renamed and are something already commercialized completely. When people say they are looking for a Gem, that's it you find it you can call it whatever you want and people will buy it if your don't sell it yourself they will buy it from the guy that does. If you give a cutting, it's theirs to do as they please. I mean it's like if you gave someone a really good hockey stick and they got good and famous with it and instead of taking pride in your roll and moving on to worry about your own success, you go hey man you weren't supposed to use the stick I got you to make money lmao.. Now doesn't that sound a little not right.. Not cool at all to keep peoples money, however you have a personal beef it seems I can no longer accept your opinion as likely.
Hi there,

I'm Ponk here and Junk Punk on THCFarmer.

I've bought seeds on THCBay and Logic has been very friendly with me.
I don't know him like you seems to do, but until now, i've only good things to say about Logic.
I don't know what he did or not in the past, but he is very friendly with me!

Here i post the conversation i have had with him about buying seeds :

Sep 14, 2015

Junk Punk New Farmer


It's the first time i order here at thcbay, so i'd like you to tell me how to do cause I'd like to pay with bitcoins.

-PRWR Dutchees (x10) and double dutch oven (x10)
-Sincity Sin's OG (x15)
-Candyland Ganny panties (x5?) and banana milshake OG (x5?)
-Quest genetics Ddp F6 x Sinister OG (x15)

I've got 1.21 bitcoins which equals 277$, i think it's not enough, it depends which packs are free!
But i think it's 290$ + shipping.
As i only have 1.21 BTC, if it's not enough for this order, i will change Sin's OG for something which cost about 60$, so i think it's OK.

Have a good day,


Sep 14, 2015

logic Administrator Staff Member

Hello JP,

welcome to thcfarmer :)

as this is your first order i am going to offer you extra discount! you can grab all those seeds for $277
and once you get the seeds tell your friends about us :)

please send the bitcoins here: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
once you sent the bitcoins send me a message back here with your postal address


Sep 14, 2015

Junk Punk New Farmer

Thank's a lot!
I'll tell it to friends.

Sep 14, 2015

Junk Punk New Farmer


I've just sent the bit coins (1,20801142 BTC) (276.5$, sorry fot the 50cts...)

My adress is

Thank's again!
Have a good day,


logic Administrator Staff Member

Sep 14, 2015

thanks JP seeds will get shipped tomorrow, thanks

Sep 14, 2015

Junk Punk New Farmer

Thank's again, you're super cool!

Junk Punk

Sep 30, 2015

Junk Punk New Farmer


Got my seeds yesterday, thank's for the farmer's mix.
From what i've read, those are random seeds from Amsterdam?

Sep 30, 2015

logic Administrator Staff Member

Hello sir good to see your seeds arrived, and yes the farmers mix are bulk seeds i purchased in amsterdam.


So with the bitcoin promo (pay one, get one), i've got :

10 PNWR Dutchess
10 PNWR Double Dutch Oven
15 Sin's OG
5 Candyland Ganny panties
5 Candyland Banana milshake OG
15 Quest genetics Ddp F6 x Sinister OG

All those seeds + 5 Farmer mix for 276.5$, i don't think i've been stollen!!!

I have an account on almost internationnal cannaforums but i'm not an active member.
since i've talked to Logic, i've beginning to be active on the farm cause my experience with him made me think that the farm is a good place to be active...
Maybe i'm wrong, time will tell...

Ponk (aka Junk Punk)
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