Loins Tail/Wild Dagga


hm... now thats something i havent tried yet... poppies. i will have to see if i can get hold of some. btw guys im all for spare seed swapping so pm me if you wanna do some spare seed swapping :) i have spares of most of the plants i listed somewhere in this thread :P plus hundreds of chilli seeds if you are interested to :P


i would be happy to swap a few of those seeds for a few of mine, take your pic:) and ill pm you my email and we can go from there :)


Active Member
I've heard with dagga you need to pick out the flowers, use them and throw the leaves away. Check out erowids page on it, tons of info.


kush fario

Well-Known Member
ive herd that it doesent work at all coming from a close friend he got it from bouncingbearbotanicals


the flowers are the best bit, though the leafs are also useful. and in my personal experience, its a great replacement for weed if you just wanna take a tiny edge off, which is what i mainly use weed for (i have anxiety and panic dissorders btw :P)
Dagga isnt the best tasting or smoothestif you are looking for other plants to try.
One specific strain that grows in dry desert regions is the potent one.
I've used extracts of that and also smoked it. I would say it was somewhat
similar to mids when comparing to cannabis. it can get expensive for that
particular strain though. Mix it with passionflower and youll get
a decent buzz ;)

I've been experimenting with various plants and extracts as
both potentiators for cannabis and as an alternative.


yes i have heard that dagga and passion flower gives a good buzz, how would you describe it? im currently growing both so... :D lol

do you happen to know the name of the strain you were talking about?


ah i see, i thin i best contact an op/admin before i do this. im somewhat new here and wish to keep my account :P

Thanks for your advice man :)

kush fario

Well-Known Member
not a problem man i havent had a problem my account has never been ban but some of y friends have one was for asking for free seeds or something like that