long running problem


Well-Known Member
I would cut out the teas and just use the grow nutrient at 25% strength.
The soil is at a serious imbalance.
Get a better soil mix, and either transplant it or top dress it.
That plant is on its way to looking like the other.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
the more i think about it, the more i think you're right. i used to give them nutes once a week and weak tea the other time, and they were doing fine, no matter what Kushman says, giving them both at the same time seems to be a bad idea, going back to alternating days for a couple of weeks and will see what happens, i'll update then and let you know what effect it has


Well-Known Member
Cool, highly recommend adding some soil also, it will help,absorb excess nutes. pro mix with mykorazae (sp?) and amend with 30% perlite is widely avail.

As it stands you don't have a hospitable home for micro organisms to survive and thrive. You want to build a massive root ball.
, as it stands you have a gallon of viable soil

Not sure how coco degrades, be good to find out. Your micro bennies needs more decaying plant material for that colony to live.


Well-Known Member
To add Kyle zKushman knows his stuff, pretty sure he's not using a coco and potting soil as a baseline for that schedule XD

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
10 day update. nice bushy new growth, the leaftip burn has finally stopped on new growth. repotted two of them, in fresh soil with a little perlite. I've stopped using the buffaloam, still use the scd bioag with a spoonful of molasses once a week, other time i'm using about 2/3 strength nutes right now, they seem to be responding nicely. i know the problem child will probably never be a "good" plant, but i feel like i've saved a child that was headed down the wrong path, and i'm going to grow it, harvest it, and smoke it. it deserves no less, was my mistakes that led it down the wrong path.100_1563.JPG 100_1565.JPG 100_1567.JPG