the sun and is this bad? thank 4 the help
You said "the sun." Well is that like you are in a winter climate/season and have plants by a window or are you in a summer climate/season and have tons of sun and theyre still stretching?
As was mentioned stretching is normally a sign of lack of sun but now and then among hybrids you will get some beans with slightly different genetic mixes and some plats will stretch more than others or grow faster than others or some will be tall and thin in a sativa-like way while others from the same pack of beans will be shorter and bushier like an indica. Its like you can grow AK-47 and get one or two of your plants that have the strawberry genetics to them and they will be very different from the rest in some ways.
So while it is possible it is genetics I think that is still not very probable and it is likely a lack of sunlight.
Since you said you are using "the sun" if you are in a summer climate/season are they in a place that only gets direct sunlight part of the day, like if they are planted in a garden next to your house and the house blocks the direct rays of the sun much of the day, and even worst yet blocks the noon to afternoon/early evening sun?
Indoors or outdoors if a plant lacks sufficient sunlight it will attempt to grow to the sunlight. It will stretch and it will lean and bend heading towards where there is more light. Even and sufficient light is key, it is major and if you lack it your plants will suffer because of it and may die from it while young.