
No I’m just saying the easiest, “safest” way is drop and wait. Drop smoke and wait. No I don’t have any super powers to make my seeds germinate any faster than anyone else.wait being the key word. I get taproots on day 3(not sure why you implied that isn't good...) and then I plant it literally JUST below the surface and I have my cotyledon leaves on day 4. Any time I've ever seen a seed planted it takes 7 days minimum. Am I doing something wrong?
yeah, alot of them are iffy. Lex has good grows and has pretty in depth knowledge about topics pertaining to grows. I usually stick to the Jorge Cervantes' bible and another grow bible I have on hand, but it's useful to get different opinions and perspectives.Ahh, youtube. I don't watch any of those cannabis youtube videos. Too many hacks and the rest are some hydro shops infomercials for some product they're pushing. I kept hearing about some Kanuck dude, skimmed through one of his videos and saw a bunch of nasty burnt to a crisp plants.
Or just plant them instead .... just like Mother Nature intended.
I’ve done the paper towel before but as soon as I saw a tap root coming out I dropped it
I’m a believer in once you drop you can’t stop doing it that way.
Drop, water,, wait.....couldn’t be easier.
yeah, alot of them are iffy. Lex has good grows and has pretty in depth knowledge about topics pertaining to grows. I usually stick to the Jorge Cervantes' bible and another grow bible I have on hand, but it's useful to get different opinions and perspectives.