Long time smoker, first time caller


Hey guys, I'm new to the forum, and some probably saw the few posts I've managed to get in, but I'm a newbie to growing. I'm from a state where MMJ is still in the works, so I'm not growing yet but hopefully things will work out. I'm also interested in getting into the education field, so I'm not trying to push my luck by saying fuck it and throwing a few plants in the back yard, but I'm definitely interested in learning the complexities behind growing. I had no idea it was so intense. Point is I'm a smoker, an advocate, and tired of being fucked over by shitty dealers and arbitrary laws based off stereotypes that take away our choice to put what we want into our bodies. In the end, if it's one thing I've learned its that everybody has a story and people are different, so if MJ improves the quality of life for someone, then who are they to say we shouldn't use it. I joined the forum because I'm facinated by drugs, and I'm fed up with the misleading bullshit from the anti-drug folks.

Nice to be here, and thanks for the space to speak the peace.


I don't grow because I'd like to be a teacher some day, and I don't need any pointless drug charges fucking up my career, but I'm here to learn all I can, so when the day finally comes that I'm able to grow, I'll know how.


Active Member
I understand your reasoning. I'm a college student myself for graphic design. I'll be 25 in March, and I worry that my Cannabis love will get me in trouble, but for the past ten years I've been lucky enough. You should be okay growing as long as there is private space to do so. Best of luck!


Yeah, for education, not only do you have to worry you'll cannabis love will get you in trouble, ya have to deal with the ignorant, straight-edged people who buy into the stereotypes about MJ users. Also, there are those who feel that its irresponsible for an educator to be using drugs, whatever the case we embrace MJ because we get something different out of it. I'm not looking to sell to little kids, or compromise my career or position at whatever educational institute. A principal at a school near my home town was just found with his pants around his ankles, kiddy porn on his computer, and evidence that he was selling coke to students. In my opinion, those are the real criminals, not someone looking to deal with pain, depression, or looking to expand the mind. How many of us have sat through the misleading D.A.R.E. program while in school, and once we got out in the real world, we found that things worked a little differently than what the nice policeman told us.


Elite Rolling Society
Welcome to RollitUp, a great place, the best place, to learn growing!

I'm glad I learned to grow my own, instead of still having to buy it. !
I don't have to send my money to drug lords, I grow my own!.

I hope you hang around and enjoy the site.

Roseman's DIY Bubbleponics Tutorial - [URL="https://www.rollitup.org/"][URL="https://www.rollitup.org/"][URL="https://www.rollitup.org/"][URL="https://www.rollitup.org/"][URL="https://www.rollitup.org/"][URL="https://www.rollitup.org/"][URL="https://www.rollitup.org/"][URL="https://www.rollitup.org/"][URL="https://www.rollitup.org/"][URL="https://www.rollitup.org/"]Marijuana[/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL] Growing[/URL] < a great tutorial to learn if I must say so, myself.