Longest time before a veg from seed plant will show signs of sex?

dR. HerbLove

Active Member
I was wondering if anyone knows whether a plant has to show signs of sex before flowering or if it's just a hit-or-miss thing:?:

I have 3 sativas that have been vegging for almost 90 days now. From what I've read I am pretty confident on the sex of two of them (my two smaller plants less healthy plants).

One shows the "V" pistillate and the other has a few sets of balls. I don't have magnifier so I can't say for certain, but on my largest healthiest plant, I cannot find squat. There's definitely no pistillate and balls that I can make out. I have noticed one little tiny growth that has started to emerge, but it's too small for me to make out.

Is this unusual:?:


dR. HerbLove

Active Member
u cant tell during veg depending on size throw one into 12/12 and look for white hairs.
So you're saying I might never see preflower signs on my largest? The thing is that these are going to be moms so I just want to know which to keep and clone.



Well-Known Member
You can indeed sex a plant before 12/12 and they are in fact called pre-flowers. Balls = Male so that is unfortunate. The other is more then likely a girl and the one that's bare... well maybe wait or put that one in 12/12


Well-Known Member
How big are they, i wouldn't veg stativas for any longer than the norm, as i vegged mine until she was 2 foot tall, and shes 2 week into flowering now and well over 3 foot, and shes slowly but surely outgrowing my grow room. God knows what im gonna do in a week or two :s


dR. HerbLove

Active Member
You can indeed sex a plant before 12/12 and they are in fact called pre-flowers. Balls = Male so that is unfortunate. The other is more then likely a girl and the one that's bare... well maybe wait or put that one in 12/12

Thanks for the confirmation, I am wondering about my bare one though. Do you think it'll ever show preflowers? I would rather not have to put one in 12/12. Thanks

dR. HerbLove

Active Member
How big are they, i wouldn't veg stativas for any longer than the norm, as i vegged mine until she was 2 foot tall, and shes 2 week into flowering now and well over 3 foot, and shes slowly but surely outgrowing my grow room. God knows what im gonna do in a week or two :s

That is my new biggest fear. I only ended up vegging them for so long because I keep running into problem after problem and only barely stabilized it enough to consider flowering. It's been a rough road for me and now it seems like it's about to get rougher. Beautiful babe though!

Here's my babies:

My second largest and the one I suspect of having a vag.

The bare one.


Well-Known Member
I see some nute burn, and also I see mirrors, mirrors are no good for growing. Put plants into 12/12 light in 2 weeks they should be showing sex. then you can either go back to vegging them for a mother, or just keep flowering til harvest. You can also make a clone out of the female and make the clone the mother and flower out the donor.


Well-Known Member
Have u thought about topping them? Meaning to literally cut the top of the plant off. You determine how many "leads" u want - a "lead" being a young side branch that will grow with others to create a canopy of buds. You could even make the severed tops into clones.. I think that could be an interesting route to take. And in concurrence with NoDrama you shouldn't use mirrors they are highly inefficient! I also suspect Mg defeciency. Supplement that with Epsom salts in distilled water as a foliar spray. 1tsp in a gal.

dR. HerbLove

Active Member
I see some nute burn, and also I see mirrors, mirrors are no good for growing. Put plants into 12/12 light in 2 weeks they should be showing sex. then you can either go back to vegging them for a mother, or just keep flowering til harvest. You can also make a clone out of the female and make the clone the mother and flower out the donor.
No mirrors here, just some mylar sheeting and an unnatural obession with perfection. Heh. Going back to my original question, I am wondering if I don't go 12/12 will the bare one eventually HAVE to show preflowers or is there a chance it never will?



Well-Known Member
Ultimately yes it should show u signs of sex. I don't have any specific info on what length of time it would take. Who knows maybe its a genetic anomoly or something. There's always a chance i guess. See what happens, just keep a close eye on developing growth. Flowers form at the point where branches join the main stem, at least the early ones do.


Well-Known Member
just take the plant that isn't showing signs of sex yet... pop it under 12/12 for a week or until it shows a little then toss under veg or clone the shit out of it.


Well-Known Member
This is true. Take a cutting, rooting solution, and clone it. Put that into 12/12 and u'll have an answer. This does take some time, and those plants aren't getting any smaller.


Well-Known Member
id say definitely take 3 clones from the guaranteed female. id also take 3 clones from the healthy unknown plant. kill the other male already unless you want him for pollen. i would then flower the two fems, and in time the last one will sex, if male: kill it along with its clones. if female: either keep both fem clones, or kill off the weaker ones. and keep the strong. this way you dont stress the plants by re-vegging them, and you get to flower your plants now as opposed to waiting until they outgrow your space...