Longhorn's Super Lemon Haze Grow!!


Well-Known Member
I opened the tent this evening to feed the plants, and wow did they stink..less than two weeks in and they smell so good!!! Very odd!


Well-Known Member
Do you think because their FEM seeds is why they may be already sinking?

I've never grown FEM seeds, so I'm only guessing.


Elite Rolling Society
I am 100% convinced that the stink is like a fart from plants consuming nitrogen.

After I started 12/12 and BLOOM nutes, the smell diminished. After I studied adding a little nitrogen during the Flowering Cycle, and added some N , they started stinking just as bad, again.
Try it.


Well-Known Member
I am not sure if the Fem seeds are the answer, only reason I say that is the Orange Bud I grew from Fem seeds, never stunk until they were in Bloom. Well all my other seeds for that matter never stunk like this. I think Rose may be on to something here, going to do some research and see what I come up with..will keep you informed!


Plants look great....I am following this closely as it appears your plants are about a week and change ahead of mine. What is the reason for moving them into there own buckets and what are you using for an air pump, how big of airstones?(in the buckets).......nicely done man.


Well-Known Member
Plants look great....I am following this closely as it appears your plants are about a week and change ahead of mine. What is the reason for moving them into there own buckets and what are you using for an air pump, how big of airstones?(in the buckets).......nicely done man.

Thank you for the kind words Meadow. I move them to their own buckets so their root systems are seperate and I can have 3 gal reservoirs for each. I have a commercial air pump that is made to pump air for 8 air lines. I shut all the valves off but three and I have those three air hoses attached to 4 foot flexible airstones. Everytime I do a res change, I clean the flexible airstones of salt by using vinegar and water. Been using the same ones now forever. Please pull up a seat. I am about to post more pictures.


Well-Known Member
Well here we are on day 23...had to move the lights up again. Have had to do that twice this week. This time next week I will probably switch to 12/12..but will wait to see how many internodes I have..enjoy the pics.



Well-Known Member
Well I did a res change last night. Decided to wipe everthing down, moved the lights, and let it go...Woke up this morning and a CFL was sitting on my best plant. Burned her pretty good. Will post pics this afternoon so you guys can tell me what you think...Man I am bummed...oh well, the grow must go on. She didnt take too much damage so she will keep growing!!


Well-Known Member
yeah just checked her and the leaves that were brown are already greening back up and those leaves are standing back up also, think she will make it!!


Well-Known Member
Here are three pictures of the damage. My day was seriously ruined. Of all the dumb things to let happen...Should have checked the clips better. I was just wondering how to hang my CFL's differently. I use Binder Clips to hold the cord by clipping it to the top of the tent. I included a picture. Anyone else have any other ideas? Also, you guys ever have this fine white dust like material on your tents from a humidifier? I never had this with any of my grows. Just started when I started using a humidifier.


Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
I would assume that your "fine white dust like material" is powedery mildew, i.e. mold. If it is mold, you'd better get control of it as quickly as possible.
Bro that tent is a pain in the ass. I have the same one for my flowering. 76x76x76? I ended up nailing a series of 2X4's through the ceiling and into rafters overhead. For two reasons, the area that I have the tent in is a bit shorter than 76" so I couldn't use the roof rack system, which looks like an abysmal disaster, and also I can screw J-hooks into the 2X4's and hand the lights from that. Same thing with my scrubber, which is a heavy bitch. You certainly dont want that falling on your plants. I think they'll be OK though.


Sorry to here about your baby getting burned, looks like it will be just fine though. Hey what size fan(s) are you using to ventilate that tent?


Well-Known Member

I am using a 4" to draw air in, a 6" clip on fan blowing air in the middle of tent facing towards the plants, then I have a large desk fan that I managed to hang (not sure how) at the top of the tent blowing straight up sucking all the hot air towards the carbon filter which is attached to a 6" exhaust fan


Well-Known Member
Ok, here is one for you guys.. day 30 is tomorrow. I have, in the past, switched to flower at 30 days. Sometimes though, sex was not evident at day 30..so that being said, the plants need another week before showing sex I think. You guys switch before showing sex or wait??