look at my cotyledons


Well-Known Member
ok I know ive ask quite a few questions as of late and found out my problem with my seedlings, and that was the fact that my wife was checking my seedlings and watering them, then id get home and water them too so they were being over watered. but now heres my question, in the seedlings attempt to stay alive through the over watering, did it expend all the nutrients in the cotyledons? because as you can see in these pics, they are really yellow, and to the touch really dry/crispy feeling. thanks for any answers and putting up with my noobie worrying,but atleast the worrying wasnt for not just took too long to find out the true problem lol

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Active Member
The shouldn't hang around once the leaves grow big enough to support the plant. Withering is pretty normal I think.


Well-Known Member
yeah I know its normal, but am I gonna have to give it nutes now ? or do cotyledons put out nutes till they completely wither ?

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Active Member
Go organic and/or wait a while before adding anything is my advice. Too young for additives.


Well-Known Member
my thoughts too, but the cotyledons are withering up so I didnt want to lose the babis and have to start over is all

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Active Member
It's good to know what's up with your plant but it's also good to let it do its thing too. You will notice before a plant dies from a problem but if you tackle something before being sure you risk making the situation worse and also having an extra variable in there.


Well-Known Member
alrigty, thanks for the responses guys, much appreciated. this seed run has been a bad start all around, my first run around march last year until thanksgiving I had only a couple of issues the whole run out of 3 moms and many clone runs to harvest. im ready for them to hit veg so I don't have to worry any more hahaha

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Well-Known Member
Use a spray bottle when they're young like that...you eliminate the chance of overwatering and can start adding light nutes like superthrive to the spray bottle...g/l


Staff member
you dont give nutes for quite a while
the cotyledons usually end up yellowing dying and falling off this is a normal plant process

keep it simple, youre over thinking and over worrying treat it like any other plant. if youve not grown other plants before try growing some basil youll feel less panicked if it dies..
plants are resilient they are good at what they do , stop thinking of it like a 40,000$ faberge egg...it isnt its a plant.