Look at the leaves, what is causing this??


Well-Known Member
Never seen this before, is the plant possesed by the devil? maybe it will be 'killer' weed.


Well-Known Member
Those DO sort of look like the horns of a certain half-inflated dark lord...

We salute you, our half inflated Dark Lord!"


New Member
I believe you only get those leaves when you're a bad kid trying to grow in mommys and daddys house


Active Member
No my Owen house. This of a clone. And it is getting the same food as everyone else. When I noticed the leaves I thought the plant was posses.


Well-Known Member
For sure different! :o I had a shark attack that grew somewhat like that but it pulled out of it after getting 4 or 5 nodes.Since it is from clone maybe the original mother was treated to cause a sex reversal for breeding only thing i can come up with.


Active Member
This is the second clone from this MOM, that has freaked out. The first one was a seven headed dragon, really looked cool. But it hermed on my so I picked it.


Active Member
Well gave it a good feeding over the weekend and it is starting to grow some normal leaves. I have exercised the demon.