look at this awesome system


I have 4 female plants that i grow in side, but i take them out side for about 6 hours a day, then back in the lights for 6 hours. One of the plants looks like it's starting to grow male pollen sacks under the bud. Can this happen? should i get rid of it? other 3 doesn't have them.


Well-Known Member
Move the one plant away from the others and remove the sacks. Make sure you wash your hands and spray that plant down before going near the other girls.


Well-Known Member
what the hell toto thats not at all what this thread is about.

anyway i am thinking about setting up a small version of what he has going, it seems really interesting that this ecosystem is so amazingly refined.


Well-Known Member
Hmm Barrelponics eh lol Seems pretty cool. With some modifications it could be a really nice set up. Im sure you could grow some nice plants in those beds!!!!!!! Not sure if the fish could survive though lol