look at this plz


Well-Known Member
just after winter all the way up to now, earlier you plant the longer theyll grow. its harvest time now.
Im in SA and ill be putting one outside in 4-6wks after vegging it indoors. i got one outside now thats 7wks old just starting to flower.
mates got one that was planted in december and another in october last year, october one just got harvested but is still ripening a few buds, other one has got a few weeks left.


Well-Known Member
ok mate thanks so im gonna put 40 out the back in august and pull them up in aprill would that be right:)


Well-Known Member
Australia ei thats nice i would like to grow there it'll be a BLAAAAST =]
i am from Europe the East side of it,and i don't wanna mess around with your plant
it'll be better to ask someone from your country who knows whatz there,
there are some factorz that i don't even know about(in your Australia) keep updating i'll post my deamonz PEACE i'm OUT =]


Well-Known Member
and one more thing-if u watch your plant 7weeks and get him to flower
how much will u get from him
i'm put 'em in the ground march and harvesting 'em in the begining of november - getin' about 2 kiloz



Well-Known Member
august might be a bit early, not sure exactly when the ideal time is but starting in december a plant can get fairly big by april.
theres a pic of a mates plant in my gallery that was started december.


Well-Known Member
I'm attachin' some here here so u can c
the other pictures u can see if u click on my name and choose PUBLIC PROFILE the pix are there