look at THIS...someone fucked up....


Well-Known Member
pollenation will just cause seeds in what would have been seedless bud. and will hurt your yield a bit. the hermi did no cause your problems though. what type lights are you using, cuz those plants look pretty bad. if its incandescents or some halogen light thats your problem, or if your using cfls get em closer.


Well-Known Member
Do not stroke this one this is sick & no matter what anybody says start over & do more research. This is 1 sick looking plant.


Well-Known Member
AGAIN for those of you who dont read....

He knows this plant is already dead, but he has OTHER healthy females facing possible pollinization....

Hence the advice about DM reverse....

K are we all cleared up here know mr Johnny...


Active Member
Dude, you need a better light. 400w HPS, minimum. No more of this Fluoro-shit. Also, try hydro. Believe it or not, it's easier to prevent this kind of shit, and really easy to automate.