Look at whats protecting my baby


Do big praying mantis bite humans? I've always been afraid of them simply because they are big and aggressive with other insects. They are available online and I'm thinking about putting them on my plants.thanks.
Me to lol I pick them up when there tiny but this one is large I wont pick it up. I brought a egg years ago it was a good investment you get to watch the baby run around the yard and when there big you get to see them catch and eat bugs.


Well-Known Member
lobo in its alter ego its a member of the furious five.[video=youtube;IwRW7ixjbsc]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwRW7ixjbsc[/video]


Well-Known Member
I didn't know you could buy them. I'd like one on my shoulder to eat the God damn mosquitoes. Get her a nice collar and leash. Take her to work and she could chow down on some of the slugs I work with.
But seriously I actually may purchase too. I haven't seen one in years here. Used to be nice bush behind me and we'd catch allnsorts of critters and always release, but no way we can leave well enough alone. Let's build more unaffordable housing.