Look good so far?


The biggest one is 7 days old and the other two are 5. Am i doing good so far? What kind of yield would i get if i flowered right now? These are nirvana chrystal. They dont smell yet. Should they? Has anyone ever grown this strain out?

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Active Member
dont flower them now, i suggest doing a little research if you expect to yield anything decent.. there is tons of information on here for ya to answer most of your questions


Well-Known Member
Way too young to flower, should veg for at least 4 to 5 weeks, even more for a good yield.


Well-Known Member
It is a thing called 12/12 from seed but 1-2 weeks for veg is okay for small spaces,3-4 weeks will outgrown anything small even with training.


Well-Known Member
what do you got for intake and outake dosent look like anyhting also should get a fan in the blowing around to get those stems strong


Well-Known Member
just so you can figure out how long you want to veg here is mine 5 weeks veg under cfl you prob wont want it as big your box looks smaller than mine also look into lst it will help you out in yeild when using cfl



Well-Known Member
How many nodes should I let it get?
Me personally use 12/12 from seed and my plants get about 2 1/2 feet tall even with training but i use a 400w hps for vegging now since the 400w mh puts out more heat than light.but to answer your question about 4-5 nodes