Look if you buy something you f@#king take care of it dont you !!!!?????? OR NOT ?


Well-Known Member
I bet you theres a bunch of humans on a chain in the rain as we speak. The world is a nasty place.

you sould check out the North Korean Concentration camps. they keep whole families there torture and kill them together & separatly

thats why im pro war. many people need to die right now and we are way behind on the killing

lots of people are blind. they only see whats in front of them. including me.I Would like to send some of us to visit Iraq before the war. Trust me dogs on a short chain would be a pleasent sight after that:joint:

2 words to describe humans as my cute little son would put it "Yucky Bucky"

funny, your last sentence hit me...

you know i believe in other species that can see us and hear us, i allways like to tell em get me out of here for fuck sake... :)

the world is so terrible, if you would like to check out nothingtoxic.com, liveleak.com and so many more pages. there all linkd on the webpages i just listed just check em out, girl getting fuckd while on a sleeping pill and shit.. i mean, ughhhhhhhh even if fake UGHHHHHHHH WTF !

yucky bucky ! :D


Well-Known Member
aww this is the saddest thread I've ever read :(
I found this neglected cat when I was walking to my spot the other day and it was obviously malnurished cuz it was so skinny then I looked at his ear and it was scabbed and infected to shit. I let him nibble on my finger cuz he liked it for some reason and I could feel some of his teeth missing too. then I called animal control but they wouldn't come get him because they wouldn't know when they could have an officer in the area.. :? ?
Just don't get how some people don't have enough feelings towards an animal to give it even the bare necessity's. I hope all the neglectful get swine flu!


Well-Known Member
aww this is the saddest thread I've ever read :(
I found this neglected cat when I was walking to my spot the other day and it was obviously malnurished cuz it was so skinny then I looked at his ear and it was scabbed and infected to shit. I let him nibble on my finger cuz he liked it for some reason and I could feel some of his teeth missing too. then I called animal control but they wouldn't come get him because they wouldn't know when they could have an officer in the area.. :? ?
Just don't get how some people don't have enough feelings towards an animal to give it even the bare necessity's. I hope all the neglectful get swine flu!

sp what happnd to the cat man :D ?


Well-Known Member
sp what happnd to the cat man :D ?
Well I tried getting him to follow me to my spot then I could bring him back home with me after I was done but he'd follow me for a couple feet then would just lay down. So I just left him hoping he'd be there or around when I got back but no site of him when I came back :neutral: my two cats at my house wouldve tore him to shit too though. he could've been a stray but who knows. just sad seing a fucked up animal like that


Well-Known Member
I am pretty good with dogs. I dog-sit for all of my friends and their dogs never want to leave me. One of my friends started screaming at his dog because he came to pick him up and the dog sat on the couch next to me when he saw him. I said maybe if you stopped yelling at the dog it may want to sit by you.

Some of them are "problem" dogs, but when they are with me I never have problems with any of them.

I cant stand a lot of pet owners including some of my frineds.


Well-Known Member
I got no sympathy for animal abuse/neglect and will most certainly bring police into their lovey dovey lives if they cannot take care of their animals, I suggest you do the same.


Well-Known Member
Well I tried getting him to follow me to my spot then I could bring him back home with me after I was done but he'd follow me for a couple feet then would just lay down. So I just left him hoping he'd be there or around when I got back but no site of him when I came back :neutral: my two cats at my house wouldve tore him to shit too though. he could've been a stray but who knows. just sad seing a fucked up animal like that
:( ahhhhh

I am pretty good with dogs. I dog-sit for all of my friends and their dogs never want to leave me. One of my friends started screaming at his dog because he came to pick him up and the dog sat on the couch next to me when he saw him. I said maybe if you stopped yelling at the dog it may want to sit by you.

Some of them are "problem" dogs, but when they are with me I never have problems with any of them.

I cant stand a lot of pet owners including some of my frineds.

allot of my friends dont go out with there dogs as much as they are supposed to... but that aint as bad as not having a nice home and loving people around you.... :D

like myself when i visit them, i allways bring round treats for the dog, unless the shops are closed :D

I got no sympathy for animal abuse/neglect and will most certainly bring police into their lovey dovey lives if they cannot take care of their animals, I suggest you do the same.

yup... and it would make a good image out of you inocent citizen easy peasy... :)


Well-Known Member
What kind of hunting is the question ?

i couldnt think of anything i could do ... tbh. i was trying to type somin but couldnt find anything i would like to hunt. A cow is so lame to hunt, id rather let the butcher do that :D
Just for stuff like deer, grouse, turkey, moose, bear. All the stuff that tastes good. :hump::peace:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Well, if it won't heal, it could be infected.I know it's not technically your job, but if you see it's in trouble, you're gonna have to step up. Wash the wound with some warm soapy water, and put some triple antibiotic ointment on it.If you don't have any, use some honey.If the infection gets bad enough and you can't afford an actual vet bill, get some injectible penicillin at a farm store, and the highest gauge needle you can get, and a syringe to put it on.Total cost...maybe 20 bucks. Since it's usually pig or swine penicillin, a 1 mg dose each day for about seven days will be good for the average cat. You'll have to give him a shot in the fatty part of the rump,that's why you want a high guage needle, it's thinner.I'm sure you can google the exact spot to administer the shot.
I am so fucking pissed off at many people on how they treat there pets, and other things in life!

manly fucking pets !

look i have a girl right, she buys these fucking animals wich i get attached to because she doesnt fucking look after them.... ! It pisses me off because one of our new animals has had a patch on its eye with no fur and its just bleeding the whole time, not to mention she bumpd her head against a wooden piece of furniture and starting bleeding even more !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And she's just like fuck it... its been there for 3 days, the only reason i havnt done anything is to fucking see how she goes about !

the way I see it if you cant fucking take care of something so simple and easy how the fuck can you get thro life and taking care of yourself !!!!?

and i see that in her... she's just still a little child pisses me off !

GRR thnx for listning !

* main point * Look i'll tell it direct in to your face, start fucking taking care of things my fucking god ! and slammd the fucking door, now she's in her room thinking about it, and i bet the next 3 days she's gona act all grown up and then she's gona fucking go back the same old..

typical !

why wont people learn ! i hope this did it ! because i cant be botherd to live with someone that can treat other things in there life the correct way !

just absolutly shows the responsibility of someone ! or like you have a fucking dog, and dont fucking walk it and hit it when it jumps around in the house because she wants to shit ! WTF !


Well-Known Member
I feel your pain DWR.

Lesson learnt dont have kids.

hey not insulting yours or anything but I personally hate kids even though I am kinda one.


Well-Known Member
i cant stand animal cruelty. right before i moved away from home for school my oldest brother who still lives back home got this awsome purebred weimeriner puppy and he was such a little badass, i couldnt have a dog at the time so i would always go walk him and what not and after i move away the fuckin idiot bought a condo with no fenced yard and then the dog started spending 22 hrs a day in his dark shitty small ass kennel. i dont know what day to day life became like for this poor little guy but when i was there last summer my oldest bro with the weim took the dog over to my other brothers mother in laws house to let him go run around, when my bro was pickin him up and taking him back home the dog took a big old dooker in the back of his suv and stepped in it a few times going around the corners, my bro found out and went ballistic, took him back to the house he was just at and grabbed the dog by the collar and started closed fist punching that poor guy! literally beat the fucking shit out of him, had my other brothers wife in tears. next thing you know a few weeks later, surprise surprise, my bro was acting like he was gunna punch him again and the dog got scared for his life and finally bit my brother. lets just say i really dont wanna say what happened next....... poor poor gus..... to make matters worst, he now has a fucking great dane! animal cruelty needs to be considered a much more prosecutable and serious offense, the way i see it is if some fucker will literally beat a helpless animal, they are a threat to society

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I'm a girl,but I would have kicked his ass if I saw him doing that.:evil:
i cant stand animal cruelty. right before i moved away from home for school my oldest brother who still lives back home got this awsome purebred weimeriner puppy and he was such a little badass, i couldnt have a dog at the time so i would always go walk him and what not and after i move away the fuckin idiot bought a condo with no fenced yard and then the dog started spending 22 hrs a day in his dark shitty small ass kennel. i dont know what day to day life became like for this poor little guy but when i was there last summer my oldest bro with the weim took the dog over to my other brothers mother in laws house to let him go run around, when my bro was pickin him up and taking him back home the dog took a big old dooker in the back of his suv and stepped in it a few times going around the corners, my bro found out and went ballistic, took him back to the house he was just at and grabbed the dog by the collar and started closed fist punching that poor guy! literally beat the fucking shit out of him, had my other brothers wife in tears. next thing you know a few weeks later, surprise surprise, my bro was acting like he was gunna punch him again and the dog got scared for his life and finally bit my brother. lets just say i really dont wanna say what happened next....... poor poor gus..... to make matters worst, he now has a fucking great dane! animal cruelty needs to be considered a much more prosecutable and serious offense, the way i see it is if some fucker will literally beat a helpless animal, they are a threat to society


Well-Known Member
I'm a girl,but I would have kicked his ass if I saw him doing that.:evil:
all i got to do was hear the horrific details right after it happened, i was at my moms house when the brother who didnt beat the dog called my mom damn near crying talking about how my mom didnt raise us to be that way. that sorry excuse of a person lost my respect long ago, i wanna say it was when he threatened to slit my throat when he was drunk right after my grandmas funeral but actually it was long before that..... i believe that 100% of the people who will beat a defenseless animal will move on to harming other people in their life and is a strong sign of a sociopathic mentality
dont get me wrong sometimes you gotta lay down the line with a dog but you do it with an open hand to their side, a closed fist and a face shot is where the line is drawn between punishing your dog for bad behavior and maliciously beating the shit out of your dog

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I agree completely.Sometimes, like if a dog is getting rambunctious and jumps on your toddler for example...gotta give him a tap on the butt and let him know that we are careful around the baby.And most dogs only really have to be scolded.
i believe that 100% of the people who will beat a defenseless animal will move on to harming other people in their life and is a strong sign of a sociopathic mentality
dont get me wrong sometimes you gotta lay down the line with a dog but you do it with an open hand to their side, a closed fist and a face shot is where the line is drawn between punishing your dog for bad behavior and maliciously beating the shit out of your dog


Well-Known Member
I agree completely.Sometimes, like if a dog is getting rambunctious and jumps on your toddler for example...gotta give him a tap on the butt and let him know that we are careful around the baby.And most dogs only really have to be scolded.
thats true if the dog respects you, all i have to do is give my dog a pissed look and the ears go flat on the head and he just gives me that "im sorry!" look


Well-Known Member
i cant stand animal cruelty. right before i moved away from home for school my oldest brother who still lives back home got this awsome purebred weimeriner puppy and he was such a little badass, i couldnt have a dog at the time so i would always go walk him and what not and after i move away the fuckin idiot bought a condo with no fenced yard and then the dog started spending 22 hrs a day in his dark shitty small ass kennel. i dont know what day to day life became like for this poor little guy but when i was there last summer my oldest bro with the weim took the dog over to my other brothers mother in laws house to let him go run around, when my bro was pickin him up and taking him back home the dog took a big old dooker in the back of his suv and stepped in it a few times going around the corners, my bro found out and went ballistic, took him back to the house he was just at and grabbed the dog by the collar and started closed fist punching that poor guy! literally beat the fucking shit out of him, had my other brothers wife in tears. next thing you know a few weeks later, surprise surprise, my bro was acting like he was gunna punch him again and the dog got scared for his life and finally bit my brother. lets just say i really dont wanna say what happened next....... poor poor gus..... to make matters worst, he now has a fucking great dane! animal cruelty needs to be considered a much more prosecutable and serious offense, the way i see it is if some fucker will literally beat a helpless animal, they are a threat to society

Damn, no one took actions against him ?


New Member
Talk with her about it calmly instead of storing it till you BLOW. THat's not good for you, her, or the pets.

I recently broke up with someone and her view of pets was one of the main reasons. Disposable. If you feel about your animals the way I do (family) and she is indifferent to them after getting them, it may be untenable. I'll break up with a woman before I'll put down my dog...

On a lighter note, I'm glad she likes MANLY pets..LOL

manly fucking pets !

and i see that in her... she's just still a little child pisses me off !

y !

just absolutly shows the responsibility of someone ! or like you have a fucking dog, and dont fucking walk it and hit it when it jumps around in the house because she wants to shit ! WTF !


New Member
your brother should NOT have dogs~or kids.

i cant stand animal cruelty. right before i moved away from home for school my oldest brother who still lives back home got this awsome purebred weimeriner puppy and he was such a little badass, i couldnt have a dog at the time so i would always go walk him and what not and after i move away the fuckin idiot bought a condo with no fenced yard and then the dog started spending 22 hrs a day in his dark shitty small ass kennel. i dont know what day to day life became like for this poor little guy but when i was there last summer my oldest bro with the weim took the dog over to my other brothers mother in laws house to let him go run around, when my bro was pickin him up and taking him back home the dog took a big old dooker in the back of his suv and stepped in it a few times going around the corners, my bro found out and went ballistic, took him back to the house he was just at and grabbed the dog by the collar and started closed fist punching that poor guy! literally beat the fucking shit out of him, had my other brothers wife in tears. next thing you know a few weeks later, surprise surprise, my bro was acting like he was gunna punch him again and the dog got scared for his life and finally bit my brother. lets just say i really dont wanna say what happened next....... poor poor gus..... to make matters worst, he now has a fucking great dane! animal cruelty needs to be considered a much more prosecutable and serious offense, the way i see it is if some fucker will literally beat a helpless animal, they are a threat to society